Developer: Rogers Real Estate Development Ltd., Urban Capital Property Group
Address: Burnhamthorpe Rd W & Grand Park Dr, Mississauga
Category: Residential (Townhouse, Condo)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 57 storeys
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Mississauga M6 at M City | ?m | 57s | Rogers Real Estate | Hariri Pontarini

M8 looks awfully close to the pinnacle tower.. I hope it’s not actually that close and it’s just a misdrawn site plan.
That site plan is off, the midpoint of the tower should be located to the east by the corner of the podium. In the M7/M8 drawing set, the separation distance between M8 and Grand Park 2 is 31 metres.
So why did they not just build a proper grid here? Vancouver Street and SoHo Avenue should just have been combined into one street. Just looks dumb in my opinion. You’d think Mississauga would have tried harder to enforce a proper street grid.
I remember hearing that the City did go back and forth with the developers over this. But ultimately the developers convinced the city that it made it less car oriented than a normal grid so it was allowed
Then you should visit north Oakville where 20-30 storey towers are next to a barn 😊
My second kid was born in that new north Oakville hospital on dundas. I’m familiar with what you’re describing but one day those places will sell.
My second kid was born in that new north Oakville hospital on dundas. I’m familiar with what you’re describing but one day those places will sell.
Too much surrounding undeveloped land, ten fold the amount that was around MCC even 10 years ago. So long as Oakville doesn’t zone more SFH near the hospital, those ones south of Dundas won’t have demand for redevelopment in the next 50 years.

3 story townhomes going up to the east right now, just inside a 1km radius of the hospital, not high density but a positive trend.
