Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

What? No camping grounds or forests or wilderness trails?
Only in the renderings of Nirvana, silly.

Wait until the channel they dig for the actual main channel starts (in fact the original main water course)...lots of fishing and discovery then of things better left unsaid...great fun for the whole family.

It shows ya how it's gonna be right here:

-Waterfront Toronto

Why, that's Huckleberry Finn a-fishin' for new boots right there! Ain't it just serene?

OK, now get back to work and stop asking questions...
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You can’t compare Toronto to Singapore. Baby steps...
You can't compare Singapore to Toronto!
100% of tax revenue in Singapore go to Singapore.
12% of tax revenue in Toronto goes to Toronto.

You damn right that we can't compare the two.
Let's not give Thug any more encouragement.
lol...ya know, I was just imaginating Ferris wheels spinning their magic. Give it a spin! Where it stops, no-one knows...

So far, not a peep about the Provincial third of Waterfront, but worry not, Thuggery is imminent. It'll spread like a cancer from Ontario Place Your Bets...
lol...ya know, I was just imaginating Ferris wheels spinning their magic. Give it a spin! Where it stops, no-one knows...

So far, not a peep about the Provincial third of Waterfront, but worry not, Thuggery is imminent. It'll spread like a cancer from Ontario Place Your Bets...

Ontario Auditor General Report finds Wynne’s ‘free’ tuition scheme far more expensive than promised
By KRISTIN RUSHOWYQueen's Park Bureau
ROBERT BENZIEQueen's Park Bureau Chief
Wed., Dec. 5, 2018
On Waterfront Toronto, Lysyk blasted the joint federal-provincial-municipal agency for failing to deliver on its mandate to transform the city’s 2,840-acre lakefront.

The auditor also questioned the wisdom of the agency’s agreement with Google-run Sidewalk Labs to develop a wired “smart city” on waterfront lands, including privacy concerns over the use of residents’ data.

As well, she expressed concern about the earmarking of $453 million toward Port Lands flood-protection at the mouth of the Don River.

I'm actually in agreement with these findings, albeit the Devil is in the details, but Dougie gonna be doing Thuggy on Waterfront.
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Yawns. Perhaps Lysyk should talk to the successive governments and mayors as to why WT was structured the way it was with limited autonomy, control over assets in the waterfront and have to resort to delivering projects on a piecemeal basis instead. The report is a crock of BS masquerading as news.

And hell with regards to this particular project the complaint was that the org is underballing the construction costs and overestimating contingency costs of the rework :rolleyes:

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And hell with regards to this particular project the complaint was that the org is underballing the construction costs of the rework :rolleyes:
I suspect by multiples, and I think there are some legitimate concerns, just not the way Lysyk is presenting them, and certainly not the way Thug will play them.

I think the watermouth remediation is going to flow straight into a litany of unforeseen complications, these projects always do, but Waterfront is not doing themselves any favours by painting dreams of idyllic bliss and Nirvana...and in doing so, set themselves up as easy targets for the unwashed hordes to piss all over them.

Brace yourself, ground zero infill will be the front page of the TorStun. It's unfortunate, as the very real engineering need will be overshadowed by the war on circuses. Ferris Wheels included or not.
I suspect by multiples, and I think there are some legitimate concerns, just not the way Lysyk is presenting them, and certainly not the way Thug will play them.
I think the watermouth remediation is going to flow straight into a litany of unforeseen complications, these projects always do, but Waterfront is not doing themselves any favours by painting dreams of idyllic bliss and Nirvana...and in doing so, set themselves up as easy targets for the unwashed hordes to piss all over them.
Brace yourself, ground zero infill will be the front page of the TorStun. It's unfortunate, as the very real engineering need will be overshadowed by the war on circuses. Ferris Wheels included or not.

You've said that before and was convinced that even the relatively minor infill of Essroc couldn't happen because "unforeseen complications" - and there we are, it is almost done. And in the AG report they actually downplayed the geotechnical issues even more. Fact of the matter is - WT managed to somehow harness public support and work the issue and players to the point of getting incremental progress on the file - up to and inclusive of this particular holy grail - despite of all the limitations the three levels of government placed upon it. That's more concrete than any AG or Royal Commissioner has done so far beyond the reams of paper it generated.

As to Ford on this file, well I am sure the big bro is itching for a rematch after getting smarted by the rejection of their plans to sell off the lands to pay for the LTT repeal. We're watching.

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Plus a couple casinos there generate more money for the region than anything Toronto can dream of

Singapore only allowed two casinos - and they charge locals to visit. Their excellence in this area never predicated upon having it - now if you want to follow in Singapore's footstep in how they executed this, by all means. Besides, all is not well over there either:

Singapore only allowed two casinos - and they charge locals to visit. Their excellence in this area never predicated upon having it - now if you want to follow in Singapore's footstep in how they executed this, by all means. Besides, all is not well over there either:


Maybe they will follow Singapore's lead and ban selling chewing gum in the stores in the development.
You've said that before and was convinced that even the relatively minor infill of Essroc couldn't happen because (of) "unforeseen complications" - and there we are, it is almost done.
I don't remember stating it that way, but what I will state now, if not before, is that it's far from finished as per what's been touted. And frankly, I think that's just as well, as the whole purpose of the exercise is the massive engineering challenge, which is a hell of a lot more than slamming in retaining walls, dropping rocks and doing infill. Creating the 'vision' being touted remains a hell of a challenge, and until the raison d'être of predictable flow of the Don is achieved, everything else should take a back seat. But lo and behold, there's already talk of zoning allowance for permits before that even gets close. Who's this for again? The People?
it is almost done
Toronto’s Villiers Island begins to take shape
Don Wall September 7, 2018
The Cherry Street project is about 60 per cent complete and it is on target for completion in the first quarter of next year, Kusturin said.

Eventually, explained his colleague Barter, once full flood protection measures have been implemented for the Port Lands circa 2023, development will start on the Villiers Island Precinct. It is planned that the new 88-acre island will have 54 developable acres, to include mixed uses, and 34 acres of parks and public space. Urban Strategies Inc. has been the precinct planning lead.

The sustainability goal, said Barter, is ambitious: to be climate positive, described in the precinct plan approved by the City of Toronto last December as “a roadmap that leads new developments to achieve net-negative operational greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy, waste and transportation.”

Derek Flack
Posted on February 03, 2017
One of the key factors is the flood plain protection that's been deemed necessary for certain areas of the Port Lands before they can be developed. The city would like to see flood management polices for the area, some of which are under appeal, resolved before this application can be reviewed.
For its part, the developer has proposed that a "holding" status be attached to the re-zoning application until the flood management issues are resolved. In other words, the eagerness here is to get the site re-zoned for over 1,000 residential units rather than to break ground on construction.
There's a lot at stake here. Just how the Port Lands will be redeveloped will have a decisive effect on the city as a whole. Thus far, the environmental studies and master planning for the area have been a drawn out affair, but a proposal like this one increases the pressure to accelerate development in the area.
The condos are certainly coming. It's just a matter of when.

It's an odd thing how not even one high-rise appears in the pics of Nirvana (Soma) being wafted to the hungry public. Waterfront et al are hardly squeaky clean in inviting due diligence in how they spend *our* money.

I don't think I see even one politico stating: "This is an engineering project to correct the massive damage done to the Don's outlfow, and nothing more at this time. Once we've corrected the damage as best we can, then we'll worry about paint, curtains and decor".

It sure don't sell fashion pages, do it?
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It's not even the TorStun first off the line on the coverage. TorStar:
[...]City Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong, a member of Waterfront Toronto’s board and often a vocal critic of the corporation’s spending and transparency, said, “My concerns about Waterfront Toronto are well known, (and) there is a great deal of room for improvement. I look forward to hearing (Infrastructure) Minister Monte McNaughton’s plans for Waterfront Toronto.”

I'm certainly no fan of Lysyk, but you'd have to be blind to not see this coming.
DMW was barred from a WT meeting this morning


City Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong was fuming this morning after being denied access to an in-camera (private) meeting of Waterfront Toronto. Although his term on the board expired Nov. 30, he thought he was to continue until a new city councillor was chosen.
