Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

Anyways, the announcement was much to do about nothing. Please, spending 5M on a due diligence report and then gloating about it definitely counts as a new low in pointless pressers.

What else do you expect from politicians? They'll do anything to be in the nurse. I wonder what Joe Oliver and Brad Duguid were doing there if they weren't contributing any money or do they show up for every announcement made on the waterfront.
They should model it after Ijburg in Amsterdam.

Ah, I'd love to see something like that here. Kinda like the Harbor City idea yore. I think it's possible too that we'll get low/midrise like this if BBA is still active (considering highrises might be restricted due to flightpaths).
On the bright side, Toronto Star cut through all the political cr*p and called it what it is:

Federal, provincial governments won’t commit to funding protection of Port Lands against flooding

This is what I dont understand about Tory. Why does he make appearances to photo ops where upper levels of government are non-committal about things? He shouldnt be accepting this kind of garbage, but yet he happily goes to these press conferences where governments dont commit to anything. Better yet, why were the Province and Feds even at this photo op? I mean I understand they're willing to take credit for everything they can, but this is really a new low.

Heck this leads me to the question, why was there even a photo op for this? I mean really, a photo op to announce the city is putting $5 million into a study? How about we start having a photo op for every study that the city is putting money into. Better yet, let's spend $10 million to study how we should plant trees along the DVP and come back the next day and tell the TTC to cut their spending because we cant find additional dollars to fund them.
Waterfront Toronto doesn't want a commitment until next year once the part that was announced today is finished. I'm sure the Feds are lining up to pay for this, waterfront Toronto has long been in the good books for them, especially now that the first phase is essentially complete and bearing fruit.
OK, so this is a bit of 'crossing the streams' with the 'Shabby Public Realm' thread, but CDL and Adjei were all over Toronto the Ugly and comparing it to the gorgeous burg of Amsterdam. Really? That's what you consider to be lightyears better than Toronto? Really?

And, yes, I do know there's other, nicer parts of Amsterdam.

I like the comparison. The Portlands will be rezoned industrial brownfield sites. IJburg is built on reclaimed land. I wouldn't be surprised if the Portlands ends up looking something similar in character, but with different architecture.

On the bright side, Toronto Star cut through all the political cr*p and called it what it is:

Federal, provincial governments won’t commit to funding protection of Port Lands against flooding

Hopefully this encourages the Liberals and NDP to commit to funding, to one-up the Conservatives.
I like the comparison. The Portlands will be rezoned industrial brownfield sites. IJburg is built on reclaimed land. I wouldn't be surprised if the Portlands ends up looking something similar in character, but with different architecture.

Hopefully this encourages the Liberals and NDP to commit to funding, to one-up the Conservatives.

Hopefully indeed - considering the CPC, until lately, has absolutely no vested interest in the city.

The Lower Don Lands would be a great start for the NDP to showcase their commitment to cities.

I think WT has been careful in building relationships such that they are relatively unaffected by changes in government.
That, and they have pretty strong and vocal grassroots support - just think how his Fraudship's portland scheming ran aground.

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That's an indication that planners are expecting some kind of attraction here. People have told Waterfront Toronto that they want a destination park here.

Ah, I thought it looked like a theme park ride but wasn't sure. I was initially thinking it was part of a swing bridge, or a crane to unload ships. But I'd be down with a putting in a small amusement park here - perhaps one that could be used year-round.
