Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

From what I gather from the staff at the tower is that the next couple of mom this are going to be all about planting.
I can't wait to see what they do with the meadow on the transit bridge. I suggested they install some seating and tables and garbage bins too, to turn it into an ad hoc gathering spot. I realize that means more capital costs and arranging for maintenance and garbage pickup and all that, so probably way beyond the scope of what they had planned... but still, maybe in the future.
I get that it's winter and that it's still an active construction zone, but wouldn't hurt to run a street sweeper up and down the roads now and then.
They had daily sweepers and sprayers on Villiers when it was still open. I wonder what they're looking for work now...

Any idea if this strip of water will be filled in anytime soon? Or would that more likely be held off until the future construction of Promontory Park North?
...well, it does create that fresh lacquered vibe to it. 😼
I love what has been done with the bridges but I do have a little question. Why is there no sidewalk on the east side? I only noticed because I wanted to take pix of the upstream and had to climb over dividers and go to the other end. There may be a practical reason but I am not seeing it.
I noticed this too, and then realized that when you compare it to the Cherry North bridges, the sidewalk is on the LRT bridge. For now, there is no planned LRT bridge running across the new mouth, so that means there won't be a sidewalk on the east side until a later phase. That's really too bad.
What are the chances of the lemon and orange bridges actually getting their matching twins? I can’t see how they would be installed.
I noticed this too, and then realized that when you compare it to the Cherry North bridges, the sidewalk is on the LRT bridge. For now, there is no planned LRT bridge running across the new mouth, so that means there won't be a sidewalk on the east side until a later phase. That's really too bad.
Thanks! I did notice that there is a smaller pedestrian bridge to the east that can be used when the paths open.
