Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

Drove across it last night. Please excuse the poor quality. Feels nice and grand as you drive through it. Very colourful.


Awesome, gonna bike over the bridge tomorrow.
Btw do we know when Cherry St and Lake Shore will open again?
Cherry has never been closed for bikes (though it has been a bit of an obstacle course), I saw an announcement recently on UT saying the new bike lanes just south of the rail berm are 'coming along". It remains closed for vehicles and I understand it will not open (at least fully) until the new Cherry Street from Lake Shore to the red bridge opens later this fall.
Can't wait to see fully realigned Cherry Street reopen from north of the Gardiner all the way to the lake. The plan is to have that done before the winter?
Certainly the HOPE - though the (separate) work on refurbishing the bascule bridge will only be half done this fall so the street will not be done fully until late 2023- the western half of the concrete has taken almost a year and they still have the eastern half to do plus painting the visible bridge itself. The City are also supposed to be replacing the watermain south of the Ship Channel.
Looks amazing!

Somewhat ironic that the only person you see in the video is another cyclist not even using the brand new bike lane

I can't take credit for the video unfortunately! But it may take some additional signage for people to get used to the new path.
As anticipated. the new section of the Martin Goodman that crosses the Yellow Bridge moves back to the east side of Cherry at Polson Street where there are traffic lights. They are still playing around with signage, traffic cones and stuff but it is fairly well set up now the way it will continue until the northern part of New Cherry Street (Lake Shore to Commissioners) opens.
Does anyone recall when the north Cherry bridge is supposed to open?
This was asked earlier today and I responded. Work on the underground utilities between the Red Bridge and Lake Shore Blvd (and at the Lake Shore / Cherry intersection are apparently 99% complete and if the weather is not too bad the plan is still to open the bridge and that section of Cherry before January. We shall see!
