Toronto Love Park | 3m | 1s | City of Toronto

Waterfront Toronto began work on Love Park (York Street Park) in July 2021, a 2-acre park located at the southern foot of York Street and Queens Quay West in the southern Financial District and Harbourfront neighbourhood.

Construction on Love Park has reached substantial performance and is nearing completion. Beginning June 22, 2023, our contractor for Love Park, Somerville Construction, will be removing the construction fencing around the park.

The aesthetics and key features of the park, including the pond, mosaic seat wall, lighting, trees, plantings, and landscape and artistic features will continue to be monitored and maintained to ensure the long-term success and the optimal park experience.

Lastly, we hope you can join Waterfront Toronto and the City of Toronto for the official opening of Love Park on Friday, June 23 from 12-4pm. The schedule for the event is below:

12:00 PM – Community Celebration Begins

1:00 PM – Formal Remarks and Ribbon Cutting

2:00 PM

2:30 PM – Community Celebration Continues

4:00 PM – Event Ends
@DSC or @Northern Light Just an aside, does Berczy Park have sprinklers? The grass there is looking kind of rough?

Berczy is partially irrigated. Portions are active (sprinklers); portions are passive (drainage/runoff), I believe most of the grass is sprinklers
WT has a new piece up on Love Park, here:

I'll invite people to follow the link, but I will bring one pic forward from the above:

Berczy is partially irrigated. Portions are active (sprinklers); portions are passive (drainage/runoff), I believe most of the grass is sprinklers
The question really is: have the sprinklers been inspected and turned on this year? (I think some along Wellington may have been disturbed/damaged during the Sanscon fiasco.)
The question really is: have the sprinklers been inspected and turned on this year? (I think some along Wellington may have been disturbed/damaged during the Sanscon fiasco.)

I don't know. Not down there near as often as you. If....IF, the City had a modicum of sense, the sprinklers are usually timed in most commercial locations to run between 2-5am to minimize the risk of sprinkling someone/limiting access.
It's open!










There are a few crews both finishing up and enjoying the shade. The off-leash dog space is still fenced off and there's work still in progress around the pond support building. The official city park sign designates it as "Love Park". It's visible at the corner of York and Harbour:

Love the little critters throughtout the park. I see what people were saying before about having a different ground material in the pond. It does look somewhat bland right now. But it's a nitpick really!
It's open!

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There are a few crews both finishing up and enjoying the shade. The off-leash dog space is still fenced off and there's work still in progress around the pond support building. The official city park sign designates it as "Love Park". It's visible at the corner of York and Harbour:

View attachment 487174
lovely, i see little snippets reminiscent of parks in Manhattan and Boston
Fantastic! Now I'd like to see some of the surrounding buildings up their game to match the quality of the park.

(1) A reimagined restaurant where Impact is currently, that embraces the park.
(2) A proper theatre-style entrance on Second City, complete with marquee and posters of upcoming shows, rather than the cheap-ass signage currently there.
(3) As @JMSRead mentioned above, spruced up or redeveloped parking garages along Queen's Quay.
What a dramatic improvement over the site's past. For next steps I'd love to see the right turn lanes eliminated on QQ and York to improve pedestrian access; along with colour, texture and some visual engagement on the surrounding podiums.

Would be nice if Impact Kitchens could also set up their patio to engage the park as much as possible.

edit: @wmedia beat me to the punch on all fronts.
Love the little critters throughtout the park. I see what people were saying before about having a different ground material in the pond. It does look somewhat bland right now. But it's a nitpick really!
I think some reflective colour (some golds, pinks, red) in pond base would have been a fantastic aesthetic. It’s such a large area, you can’t help focusing on it. It’s just. good looking & refreshing park in city. Good to see. Waiting on the vines. Love it.
