Toronto Living Shangri-La Toronto | 214.57m | 66s | Westbank | James Cheng

I expect that will happen in the spring. No reason to believe otherwise.

The urban landscaping element for the penthouse levels will commence in May and is somewhat reminiscent of their private estates in Vancouver that opened on January 24, 2009 with said installation completed four months thereafter.
Too big?


Lucky no one was hurt. This is getting out of hand. developers need to be held accountable for stuff like this. It's turning the city into a bit of a joke really. The glass is exposed to high winds and extreme temperatures. can't we pick the right materials for this climate?
Is it maybe time to start considering building balconies with something besides glass or will we wait until somebody dies and we get world wide attention? One of these days, our luck is bound to run out, it's just a matter of time.
I was under the impression that the glass balconies on all these new condos were made of tempered glass and that they shatter into small chunks rather than large shards. Supposedly they'd cause only minor scrapes or cuts if they fell on someone.
