Mississauga Limelight Condominiums | ?m | 32s | Daniels | Kirkor

Anyhow, apologies for being a douchebag, again.

Jasonzed, I agree with others that the pictures you post are a big reason why I keep coming here. It's unfortunate that a predictable bunch of posters will do what they can to look down their noses and take their puerile potshots at any opportunity - but please stick around.
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UD: it's okay to criticize a project. It's not okay to be dismissive in such a superficial way that no-one gets anything out of your post other than being bugged.

"On my way to Union Burger I decided to relieve some stress at Vixen Spa.... I was looking forward to chatting up some hot cougars at Limelight when the Duke of York told me I was in Miserysauga.


It's also not okay to be needlessly and relentlessly provocative. All you do with the statement above is annoy those who live in or work in or like Mississauga without adding anything to the discussion (and the cougars reference is pretty distasteful too). It's called trolling, it contravenes the UT Rules of Conduct, and you can get banned for it. Drop the attitude or you will get banned for it.

I haven't been to "downtown" Mississauga in a very long time. From what I can tell from photos alone, all these new towers, along with the new Sheridan Campus and the revamp of the town square, are beginning to create a half-decent sense of urbanity at street level. I'm really eager to check it out.
Lights were back on last night when I was coming home from work...

Couple things the building could have done a bit better:

Lobby - still looks a bit bland... need to spice it up a little bit
Hallways - They don't look very special at all. Boring wall paper/ doors / carpets.

Besides that, I love living in the building. I'm also happy they finally took the wood down from the elevators :p.
Jasonzed, your updates are very much appreciated. I don't get up to Mississauga City Centre very often so it's great that you provide updates. Your posts are infinitely more informative and worthwhile than the narcissistic ramblings that forumers like urbandreamer post, if that makes you feel any better! :)

And yes, let me reiterate at this time how useful the IGNORE function is-- honestly, if more people used it here (within reason), it would be a better place.
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This may effect the lights for this project based on the number of complaints.
Did You Know - Lighting Can Be a Nuisance?

Dec 05, 2012

Today at General Committee, staff presented a Nuisance Lighting By-law, regulating “direct or indirect lighting…causing glare or trespass lighting” for Council consideration.

According to the Corporate Report, the by-law applies stricter lighting controls on buildings adjacent to residential properties. Currently, Property Standards By-law 654-98 requires that lighting fixtures are installed and maintained to prevent the light source from shining directly into residential property. Under the new by-law, indirect and ambient light will be regulated to:

• ensure reasonable use of outdoor lighting;
• control light pollution; and
• reduce glare and control unwanted spill on to other properties.

The by-law will be investigated and enforced in the same manner as the Nuisance Noise by-law. “Due to the subjective nature of the by-law, complainants will be required to provide evidence and be willing to testify in court,” said Mickey Frost, director, Enforcement. “On a first conviction a fine of up to $10,000 for individuals and $50,000 for corporations could apply.”

Temporary exemptions, similar to noise exemptions, will be available via application. General exemptions have been outlined in the draft by-law, which can be viewed at http://www.mississauga.ca/file/COM/GC_Agenda_Dec52012.pdf.

The by-law will go before Council for final adoption on December 12.
....The rooftop limelights should be okay the way they are right now. They help make Mississauga skyline look more interesting and less boring at night (especially from Chicago glancing over).
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