Toronto Leaside Common | 29.98m | 9s | Gairloch | BDP Quadrangle

Not to be off topic for the thread........but do you actually bike this section of Bayview regularly @PL1 ?

I would so avoid Bayview until the options got thin for avoiding it.
No. If I bike from home, I take Donlands to Millwood to Laird to Broadway then sneak over to Kilgour to Bayview at CNIB. That bit of Bayview from CNIB to Sunnybrook isn't great, though wider than S of Eg. Laird is in very rough condition, but traffic is a bit slower there.

Edit to add: I usually take these photos when I'm waiting for the bus.
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From this morning

Not to be off topic for the thread........but do you actually bike this section of Bayview regularly @PL1 ?

I would so avoid Bayview until the options got thin for avoiding it.
The short section between Soudan and Eglinton is rough for cycling (I cut through side streets) due to the elevation change, fast cars going south down Bayview, and the pedestrian crossover at the intersection (why is this not a proper traffic light, I don't understand), but afterwards and all the way to Moore Ave, it is not the worst because traffic is very slow. You just have to watch for dooring and unpredictable movements as cars move in and out of street parking. I often will bike in the middle of the lane through here as a defensive measure. There are certainly worse areas of the city for biking.

I would definitely rather bike that section of Bayview over the Bayview Extension between Moore and Pottery Road, even with the painted bike lanes there. The Bayview Extension is effectively a highway with many idiots using it as an opportunity to test their cars speed limits. Without bike lanes with physical separation, I will not trust my life there.
