Toronto King Blue by Greenland | 155.75m | 48s | Greenland | Arcadis

At least they are thinking green on this with the wind mills, hope we see more of this GREEN tech. incorped into building in Toronto.

Cause' some out there "all glass" in particular cond's don't even meet ASHRAE 90.1 so this is a refreshing change. All new buildings should have something like this...esp. somthing this big in some parts of Europe new development need to produce 20% of the buildings energy consumption, on site....and in the end everyone wins.

These days a lot of developers make some attempt to adhere to the LEEDS certification process and use that as a selling point.
Chances are the windmills won't be included in the final design. The City has been fairly adamant about keeping the Festival Tower (157 metres) the tallest building within King-Spadina and at 177 metres, including the windmills, the proposal will be well over that threshold. If the developer is going to cut down the height, the first place they look won't be at residential units they can sell at 500 dollars per square foot
Chances are the windmills won't be included in the final design. The City has been fairly adamant about keeping the Festival Tower (157 metres) the tallest building within King-Spadina and at 177 metres, including the windmills, the proposal will be well over that threshold. If the developer is going to cut down the height, the first place they look won't be at residential units they can sell at 500 dollars per square foot

So 157 meters is it for any new developments in that whole area? I still say the Festival tower being an icon building should have been over 50 stories aprox 200 meters.How is it that MLG,Pinacale got aprox.55/50 stories and Ice is proposed for 65/55 stories,You would think that the city planners would have the taller buildings beetween King and Front street and taper them off as you would approach the lake.It makes no sense to have a tall wall of skyscrapers blocking our waterfront.This seems like the city that Jack build.
So 157 meters is it for any new developments in that whole area? I still say the Festival tower being an icon building should have been over 50 stories aprox 200 meters.How is it that MLG,Pinacale got aprox.55/50 stories and Ice is proposed for 65/55 stories,You would think that the city planners would have the taller buildings between King and Front street and taper them off as you would approach the lake.It makes no sense to have a tall wall of skyscrapers blocking our waterfront.This seems like the city that Jack build.

Definitely agree with you that it should have been taller, at the time it was approved 157 metres was incredibly tall for the area, I think if the proposal for Festival Tower came forward today id guess theyd end up around 180 metres or so. As for the city allowing taller buildings further south, its not within the King-Spadina area, which has a few advantages in and of itself. First because its in the railway lands theres no real shadow effects, except on other high rises. Also in the railway lands you don't run into the same issues with regards to heritage buildings that you would on many sites within King-Spadina. I have to say I hate a lot of whats happened to the waterfront south of Queens Quay, which pretty much obliterate views of the waterfront.
At least they are thinking green on this with the wind mills, hope we see more of this GREEN tech. incorped into building in Toronto.

The Shane Baghai's One Avondale Loft at Yonge and Sheppard which was comopleted a few years ago has a windmill... Great idea if it saves electricity and reduces maintenance fees.
Could you send a pm instead of a new post if there isn't any actual new information? Otherwise it's a bit of a letdown when the thread is opened and it's just this.
Merged. Thanks for finding those two Solaris.

Marcus: there are so many posts on this forum that contain little to no new information that a couple of merge requests are but a drop in the bucket. BTW, your request contained no new information. Perhaps you could have PMed Solaris?

I guess they thought that the original design was to Dubai for Toronto so they decided to throw a couple of boxes together.

What the hell happened? I was lovin the old version!! The design was ritz on steroids, this new design looks very odd, and kinda thrown together last minute...oh well, what are the chances this happens in the next few years anyway, hopefully we will get another redesign.
As much as I love the old design, this design is amazing! Absolutely love it. Toronto needs to have more fun with it's designs and this is it.
