Toronto Karma Condos | 165.8m | 50s | Lifetime | a—A

I find this project is moving at a rather slow pace. Of course, I don't have any stake in it, but just an observation from a construction and highrise tower fan. When the weather improves things should speed along, I figure. Looking forward to this one, as well as YC Condos.
It's crawling along at a snail's pace. I check in every 6 months and not much ever happens. It should pick up soon.
I believe that they're final working on the tower where the floor plates should be more repetitive. Things should speed up especially once the weather improves.
The construction activity will be nuts before Pan Am as most developers will want their projects completed to show off to the world. Or maybe they don't care how long it takes.
They've just started moving the forms up for the next floor, so they're running at about a floor every two weeks now. It's a zoo on Grenville though. I've noticed they're using the street for most of their staging (as in, trailers just dropped along the street), which seems a bit sloppy given that they really don't seem to be in any hurry to clean up their site. Like, they started tearing out the podium scaffolding, got halfway, and stopped. If they'd at least finish taking it down they'd have all kinds of room inside the hoarding.
The construction activity will be nuts before Pan Am as most developers will want their projects completed to show off to the world. Or maybe they don't care how long it takes.

No developer is going to pay overtime to get a condo more finished for the Games. There are contingencies built into every construction budget as there are all sorts of serious issues that can occur during construction, and you're not going to blow money for a fleeting two week period to impress visitors from Belleville, Boston or Buenos Aires. Presentation Centres, websites, and the occasional cultural or community event are where money gets spent to impress, so if anything, we may see a few extra events happen, but that would be it.

Meanwhile, developers do care "how long it takes". Delays cost money.

They've just started moving the forms up for the next floor, so they're running at about a floor every two weeks now. It's a zoo on Grenville though. I've noticed they're using the street for most of their staging (as in, trailers just dropped along the street), which seems a bit sloppy given that they really don't seem to be in any hurry to clean up their site. Like, they started tearing out the podium scaffolding, got halfway, and stopped. If they'd at least finish taking it down they'd have all kinds of room inside the hoarding.

The sloppy site management I really notice, and would concern me if I bought here. How can you hope for attention to detail in interior finishing? The Aura site, on the other hand, was meticulous.
It's pretty awful and has been since day one. We were assured by the local councilor and City staff that many streets being blocked by condo construction would be opened up in time for the Pan Am Games. But if developers could care less about the look of our streets and the impression that we are making to the world because they have a permit to create a messy streetscape, then this may not occur. Would be nice though.
This morning. It's starting to move upward now.


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So this is just going to be Casa IV right? Or will there be some sort of decoration with the balconies?

The Casa's each feature balconies that wrap around the entire floorplate, which Karma does not. It's a pretty distinct look. In fact I can't think of any other towers in the entire city that have such a design feature aside from Pulse Condo is North York, and I guess Lago and Exhibit (but those are more about the stacked box look).
