Hamilton Jamesville Lofts | ?m | 6s | Marbelle | Lintack Architects

looks like construction has resumed. Lots of activity on site. Couldn’t get a pic as I was driving by
looks like construction has resumed. Lots of activity on site. Couldn’t get a pic as I was driving by
Glad to hear this. As a regular on James St by nature of living beside it, this has been half complete for far too long. Maybe they can even look half finished by Supercrawl! I'll grab a photo next time I'm nearby.
Anybody seen anyone working on this or know any updates? Seems like all work has stopped again. Hate to see this she'll of a half built building sitting right at James St. Reminds me of Mexico with half built structures sitting vacant all over the place.
Couldn't get a closer look, but it seems they are finally working on this? I could see at least two workers in orange vests working today on the top floor
Another cursed plot - demolish and start over..

The do not enter thing makes it feel like a horror movie lol..

that's where they keep the zombies..

I mean the homeless..
