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Toronto in decline..... (Back in MY day we had respect!)

Hey, can we also start a companion thread to this one about how Baby Boomers are the most worthless generation and will bankrupt us all?

They're all "Durr, I'm part of a giant generational cohort. I'm going to put all my money into a giant house and have no retirement savings. I'm also going to continuously vote against my better interests and support the candidate who will lower my taxes. I will live to be 100 years old and require expensive medical treatments for a full fifth of my life. I wish there were more shows like CSI."
Your posts are all about how you personally feel like you've been singled out which is strange because no one is trying to pin this on you. So why all the hostility and rage? What's really going on here?

I don't know, what is really going on here? Enlighten me with (for a change) something other than personal anecdotes.

Did I ever say I was personally attacked? I said my generation was attacked. And I wanted to stand up for my generation. Because that's what young people do - we stand up for ourselves. Which you perceive as rude.

This isn't a debate, this is you telling unsubstantiated stories while dozens of other people counter with their own stories which show quite the opposite impression. But you refuse to engage with these.

Great, now my head is meta-debating which one of us is a bigger troll. I nominate you since you started this thread.
Twenty years ago, anti-social behaviour that is measurable, like crime, was much higher than it is now. Toronto's crime rate hit it's peak in 1989, and since then we've murdered less. We also, as I've pointed out in two posts so far, do not continue to smoke in public places, a change in etiquette that I strongly appreciate and actually has a bearing on my health. Yet tkip continues in his increasinly strident rants about cigarette butts.

Frankly, even if he were to prove that there are more butts on the sidewalks now, I'd still respond, "yes, but many fewer people smoke, and make fewer people are subjected to second hand smoke, and these things matter far more than the cigarette butts, and represent a sea-change towards a more considerate and moral behaviour". Rates of smoking, and changes in law and practice, are measurable and objective.
Hey, can we also start a companion thread to this one about how Baby Boomers are the most worthless generation and will bankrupt us all?

They're all "Durr, I'm part of a giant generational cohort. I'm going to put all my money into a giant house and have no retirement savings. I'm also going to continuously vote against my better interests and support the candidate who will lower my taxes. I will live to be 100 years old and require expensive medical treatments for a full fifth of my life. I wish there were more shows like CSI."

And look at the "leaders" they produced: Clinton, Bushie Jr., Harper, Mulroney, Tony Blair...

The next generation, starting with Obama, Camreron et. all now have to clean up the mess.

But seriously, y'all, this debate is kinda toe up at this point.
I have to say that cigarette butts are by far the biggest litter problem we have here. They're so common on the sidewalks that I don't even notice them anymore.
Toronto is not in decline. I don't think that argument can legitimately be made. It's attracting immigrants, neighbourhoods are gentrifying, housing prices are rising, the population is increasing, key industries are doing well and expanding, people are being attracted downtown, unemployment is manageable, vacant or underused land is being developed, the downtown core is intensifying, there are more festivals than ever, major investment in cultural institutions, a recent boom in class A office space, and so on. And in my neighbourhood, people are very friendly.
I skipped the nonsense about people not being friendly or that someone thought there were more cigarette butts on the ground, yes.

Okay, fine. I skipped most of the conversation. I just tend to tune out the Chicken Littles.
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I think tkip is just providing a lot of nice, baseless anecdotes, which is nice, in a way - it's what we all like to do! - but it really has no bearing on how we should run our city.

The random pet peeve (cigarette butts, spitting, litter) I would like to get off my chest is the coconut drinks in Chinatown. You've seen these? The vendors cut off the sides of a coconut, jam a straw in the top and call it a drink? Well the unholy combination of really square coconut beverages and the teensy holes on our garbages means that no one can throw them away when they are done. Eventually, the finished drinks get strewn about Chinatown like mouldering ostrich eggs. Am I right? There's decline, folks. Garbage receptacles that do not take into account the awkward (and sort of wasteful) shape of local ethnic "cuisine."

Down with square coconut beverages! Up with sensible garbage can design!
Once a few months while I waiting for the bus 38 Creditview northbound at Burnhamthorpe in Mississauga on the way home from Square One I saw this really old man sitting in the bus shelter drinking Tim Hortons coffee. While drinking coffee he starting constantly horking and spitting on the floor of the bus shelter for about 5 minutes then he pulled out a cigarette and started smoking inside the bus shelter despite all the No Smoking signs on the glass of the shelter and after he finished his coffee and his cigarette he threw his empty coffee cup and cigarette butt on the floor of the bus shelter. It took considerable effort for me to retrain myself from snatching his cane and beating his wrinkled ass to a bloody pulp right there but I suddenly remembered that young people are supposed to honour the elderly and pay them respect and appreciate their existence and celebrate them.
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I think we've gotten to the heart of the problem alright. tkip likes to make blanket assertions with no proof to back it up. He/she responds to factual and well-reasoned responses with cheesy personal anicdotes ("I spoke with friends and they agreed...") that don't really prove his/her point.

Why am I so angry? Because you're an idiot and I've wasted too much time trying to show you that.

I asked why are you so angry. Based on your vitriolic diatribes I can now see that the answer is self-evident.

Agesim is discirimnation.
And look at the "leaders" they produced: Clinton, Bushie Jr., Harper, Mulroney, Tony Blair...

The next generation, starting with Obama, Camreron et. all now have to clean up the mess.

But seriously, y'all, this debate is kinda toe up at this point.
As I said before, I think it's great. Participating in cleaning up just about everything we've done wrong as humans up till this point gives a bunch of meaning. And if you ask me, it's a way better alternative to living the pointless, wasteful lives of the previous generations.
