I attended tonight's first PIC regarding this project.
Well, I attended the second half of it (I'm busy, sue me!), and spent time familiarizing myself with the presentation boards while the panel took questions from the audience... meaning I missed the presentation part of the meeting. To make up for that I stuck around afterwards to speak with a number of the people involved. The panel was chaired by Joe Pantalone and included a couple staff from City Planning, Councillor Gord Perks, a couple of others who never opened their mouths while I was there, plus proponents who included architect Rocco Maragna, architects, planners and landscape architects from gh3, and Exhibition Place board members associated with heritage preservation on the site.
Most entertaining were members of the public with both varyingly interesting or offbeat questions and comments. You always remember the - uh - odd ones longer. Like the woman who mentioned that she was down at Fallsview Casino a week or so ago, was impressed with it, and was hoping that we would get something as modern as that here, because we never seem to have 'the latest' in Toronto; or the guy that was concerned about why electric buses aren't whirring about Exhibition Place obviating the need to build expensive streetcar tracks; or the woman who was concerned that this building not be added to the grid; or the woman who was concerned that a 320 room hotel is not big enough to draw major conventions to Toronto; or the guy who was concerned that we've done enough glass buildings and why isn't this one covered with solar panels? I shouldn't be too harsh about that last comment; at least that guy had good intentions if not a convincing way to portray his argument...
In any case, there was much to like of the concept that was presented tonight. The proposal is for a modernist 26 storey patterned frit glass tower arranged in blocks which are staggered every 3 or 4 floors (see it in the pics below), plus a 4 story podium topped with a green roof, all to the west of Newfoundland Drive (across from the about-to-open Allstream Centre - the renovated and renamed Automotive Building). At the north end of the site will be a 2 storey athletics centre containing basketball and other sport courts, etc. (I missed all details regarding the sports centre by arriving late, and forgot to ask questions about it after.) To the west of the buildings will be a landscaped area that will reach out to and embrace the Stanley Barracks building (where the Maritime Museum was once housed). All related parking will go underground. Underground walkways will connect to the Direct Energy Centre on the north and the Allstream Centre to the east.
I think the proposal, a joint work by architects Rocco Maragna and gh3, looks pretty cool. It fits in well with the disciplined Toronto Modernist aesthetic practiced by many of our most celebrated firms, while not being just a box. Articulation of the facade is reminiscent of a child's tower of building blocks, making it a fun and appropriate backdrop to the CNE's Midway. Punch-outs at each stagger make room for tree-greened terraces. A number of UT members may think it looks too stumpy, and that another dozen floors would improve it, and I like taller/thinner in many situations too, but how tall do we want right on the Ex grounds?
The patterned fritting of the glass (not sure of you'll see the pattern in the images below) will cut down on solar gain, and the City requirement is at least LEED Silver if not better for the whole project.
Excavations of the parking lot that this project will replace established that extensive remains of the Stanley East Barracks still exist below the asphalt. They will be uncovered, protected, and displayed as part of the complex. You can identify the East Barracks site in the images below as the diagonally oriented building in the north-central part of the development site.
The concept plan goes for approval to City Council in December, after which the architects and planners will proceed with a more detailed site plan.
I have removed the outdated images from this post - you can see the images that were at the PIC all in post # 57.