1. Why was the procurement of the rail grade separation and the public realm separated, and what is the rationale for completing construction of the guideway followed by the public realm components?
The public realm will be procured separately, which allows greater control over design. Tonight is the first in a series of community engagements on the public realm. We’ve got three years to engage the community and the CAC on public realm, so we’ll be back in front of the community for the public realm design consultations next year.
Public realm schedule has not changed: construction start in 2023 after the Guideway is done, finish in about 2024. The Greenway is built after the Guideway project is completed so that we can properly restore and improve the landscape without risking damage from Guideway construction.
2. Will the things that were promised in the previous community meetings and consultations be realized, and when?
Metrolinx is fully committed to delivering the major elements of the Greenway public realm improvements. This is the first in a series of open houses on public realm design and construction.
3. How can we be sure these investments in the public realm happen?
Metrolinx is fully committed to delivering the public realm improvements. We’ll be asking the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to reconvene in 2020 so that we can get back to work on designing a public realm space that the community, City of Toronto, and Metrolinx can be proud of.
1. How will you keep the community informed?
Our Community Relations Plan has multiple opportunities is to contribute feedback, including public meetings, pop-ups, school visits, business liaison and committee meetings. We also intend to use mail drops, flyer drops, web updates, social media, and email distribution. Please sign up by emailing us at
2. Is there a project website with current information?
Please visit
3. Who do I contact if I have questions or concerns?
All resident questions or concerns can be sent to
4. Can you provide pictures of what the different sections of the bridge will look like? Can more renderings and images be shared with the community?
More renderings and images are currently in the works, and we’ll share them with the community in the new year (2020).
5. Do you plan to provide any language communications other than English?
We are certainly open to providing materials in more than one language, for we recognize that Toronto is a diverse city, that diversity is its strength, and that not all our audience members speak English as a first language.
6. What is the difference between CN and CP Rail? Isn’t the east-west line at Dupont CPR?
The rail line that stretches over Dupont Street is owned by Canadian Pacific Railway (CP).
7. Can you provide more up-to-date aerial images than those used on display boards 7-14, along with a correction of Keele Street to Symington Avenue?
Thanks for pointing out that typo – we’ll make sure to correct it!
Train Operations
1. How often will the trains run?
During construction of the Guideway, we’ll be maintaining service levels on the Barrie corridor as they are now: a maximum of 36 trains per day.
2. Is there a plan for electrification?
We are in the process of procuring the OnCorr contract, which includes electrification. Bid teams will be asked to decide which technology they want to use to electrify the network (e.g., overhead catenary system, hydrogen fuel cells, etc.) Once the team is selected, final infrastructure and service plans will be made available.
3. Is there a plan for a GO Station at Lansdowne?
Metrolinx is engaged in a market-driven Transit Oriented Development (TOD) strategy for Bloor-Lansdowne GO, leveraging third-party investment to help build transit infrastructure. Transit Oriented Development is higher density, mixed-use development that is connected, next to or within a short walk of transit stations & stops, and is designed to encourage transit use.
4. What time of day and night will the trains run?
Currently, our trains run from about 5:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. We have no plans at this time to change those service hours.
5. Will there be a double track south of Bloor, and how does the Davenport Diamond Project fit into the larger Barrie Line GO Expansion?
Good question. Metrolinx is currently building a second track along the Barrie corridor within the City of Toronto, except within the project limits of the Guideway contract. Graham Construction is building the second track within the Guideway project limits. We plan to extend that second track up to Aurora GO Station to enable two-way train service.
6. Will there be bells ringing coming in and out of stations? Can Metrolinx stop or reduce the bell ringing at UPX Bloor station?
As a rail operator, Metrolinx follows the Railway Safety Act, Canadian Rail Operating Rules (CROR) and the Railway Locomotive Inspection and Safety Rules (RLISR) as a best practice for rail operations along Metrolinx-owned corridors and as a requirement for federally regulated rail corridors. These rules require that engine bells be rung when trains approach, pass or move about a station.
Safety is our top priority – we take safety seriously, and that’s a promise. Train bells enhance safety in many ways, and in particular, are an important safety tool to warn customers of an advancing train and to keep a safe distance on the station platform.
As train bells are an important safety tool, Metrolinx will not consider requests to implement bell cessation. However, as we have done with our UP Express fleet, Metrolinx is making the necessary adjustments on our GO train fleet to lower train bell decibel levels, while continuing to meet federal regulations.