Toronto Garden District Condos | 99.97m | 32s | Hyde Park | a—A

This tower is a yawn fest, but I like the podium. I like the building they are going to keep, and don't see anything worth keeping in the other buildings to the east.
I'm seeing two threads with an image of the same proposal. Am I seeing double or are there two proposals of differing height, one across the street from the other?

60 Shuter St (ne corner @ Church St, Menkes, 42s-141m, aA)
The 60 Shuter thread is for a completely different development and the rendering is not at all the same as this project.
I'm just relieved that it's aA. Although this rendering is not promising, their track record is. I think their buildings are consistently tasteful at ground level.

As for the existing buildings, if you like them it's not hard to show up to the community consultation and say so. Or call Heritage Preservation yourself. I recall someone here writing them about the Simpson tower and they wrote back in detail.
Updated renders from the Dev App site:




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Well, that's interesting at least. That overhang looks pretty daunting. I'm sure the engineering is all worked out but it sure looks ominously precarious. Still, looks sleek as a monochrome image. What it will look like, cladding choices and all, in the flesh could be another story altogether.
