Toronto Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Toronto | 203.9m | 52s | Lifetime | a—A

Are you sure there's a plan to rebuild that fountain? Where did you read that? Why on earth was it removed in the first place?

No, I am not sure there is a definite plan. I don't have a link but I did see online, within the last year, a (tentative) plan for the redevelopment of the park and that included rebuilding the old fountain. I don't think they have the money for it right now but I do hope it eventually happens.
There is a master plan for Allan Gardens and I have posted a presentationabout that in said thread. Yes they mentioned the fountain as a centrepiece but provided no definitive plans for a replica.

From around 4pm today:

The Great Man doesn't have to sweat every design detail for this to be celebrated aAs aA Clewes Block, any more than Vanbrugh had to sweat every detail of Blenheim for it to be his design - everyone knows that Hawksmoor assisted, and in fact did some of the finer details.

Fire engines, Victorian and otherwise, have been painted in a range of reds - by definition, fire engine red - that are also applied elsewhere. Not that Project End, who employs a limited palette to daub the occasional rose-tinted advertorial filler for us, would recognize subtle differences.

Disconnected, elderly fan-boy says what now?
1) ProjectEnd - grow up. You're clearly miserable and moody a lot of the time; do something about it so that we don't have to read the results of your moods on the boards.

2) Urban Shocker - I'd love for you to spend a day in an architecture school in this day and age. In the search for strong architecture that moves the world forward, aA is hardly any sort of leader. I personally like a number of their designs, but I'd like to remind you that Clewes has HARDLY proved himself as any sort of "Great Man".
In the search for strong architecture that moves the world forward, aA is hardly any sort of leader. I personally like a number of their designs, but I'd like to remind you that Clewes has HARDLY proved himself as any sort of "Great Man".

I'd point out that context is everything. Thus far Clewes has quite arguably proven himself to be the most important architect working in this city since Dickinson. And while I personally think there's more than a little hyperbole in US's moniker for him, I can also see how, after a few decades of general mediocrity, he can appear like a sudden breath of fresh air.

It says here that before too long Wallman will surpass him, but Clewes certainly deserves a place of prominence among local practitioners.
US is right though:

Yorkville Avenue between Yonge and Bay is shaping up to be one of the more visually interesting and impressive streets downtown, I'd say. All the action is on the north side though, the south side remains atrocious. Hopefully in time that will change too.

I'd argue that market conditions favoured the development of the north side first: aside from the former car dealership the land went largely undeveloped and underintensified throughout the 80s, whereas the south side unfortunately experienced the haphazard and piecemeal development we see today.

With the north side now virtually completed and the Cumberland Terrace redevelopment wending its way through the planning approvals process, it probably won't be too long before market conditions favour redeveloping the south side. Yorkville is quite arguably running out of intensifiable space, so as long as demand keeps outstripping supply, the business case for buying up these properties, demolishing them, and building anew will become increasingly irresistable.
Further ad hominem re: the above will result in a clampdown on those involved.

^Very nice.

So is this the front entrance for the Hotel and both Condos? Seems it may get a bit crowded trying to visit a friend if some large function were in progress.
The paving design is quite interesting, though not was I was expecting. It looks pixelated because of the square pavers used. I originally thought that small setts were being used for a sharper appearance.
It does look pixelated, but not a complaint - what an entrance this is going to be!
Yes, both the hotel and condominium have separate entrances under the canopy leading to their respective lobby/reception areas. Each also have alternative entrances from either Bay St. (hotel) or Yorkville Ave. (condos).
I think the pixelated effect is superb! I think it would look odd if the "flowers" were more defined.

(And when did ProjectEnd go from one of my least favorites on this forum to some one I now find myself often agreeing with. Weird.)
