Urban Shocker
As a result of my discomfort with sheer drops, the view down into the City Room from Ring 5 level is a thrilling experience. Sometimes I go up into steerage just to look over into the abyss. And there's a Jack Diamond glass roof up there, which makes it all the more special.
And I love the fancy lounge. Nothing will stop me from swanning through there now and then - certainly not the fact that I'm not a member.
The little pre-performance performance when the lights dim - excepting the balcony-front lights and those on the undersides of the Rings and creating a brief rococo moment before we plunge into darkness - is always a delight.
And I love the fancy lounge. Nothing will stop me from swanning through there now and then - certainly not the fact that I'm not a member.
The little pre-performance performance when the lights dim - excepting the balcony-front lights and those on the undersides of the Rings and creating a brief rococo moment before we plunge into darkness - is always a delight.