Toronto Forma | 308m | 84s | Great Gulf | Gehry Partners

Really? Looking at all of this with contempt? What are you here for? I just don't get it.

There was no contempt in my post - I was referring to the very lengthy discussion - 35 pages worth - without an actual proposal or application. It was simply an observation - take a pill.
All this discussion might have something to do with the exciting possibility getting not one but three Gehry buildings, the height of the proposals, heritage issues, the cultural components of the project and the potential loss of a beloved theatre. Plenty to debate and opine.
This project is already gearing up for the next bull market...

In fifteen years?!?

I don't expect a massive bust. I expect a slow decent with well timed price reductions leading to short term speculation. It will also take a loooong time to reach the point where a project of this scale makes sense after the market bottoms out.
ahh, but you fail to see the beauty of phases. don't think of this as 3 towers in one project, but rather 3 different projects all together. The first phase will probably come to market about a year from now, and languish on the market until it can sell out, with the other two towers in the project sitting on the shelf until there is more of a market for them. I completely agree that there is no market right now for 2700 units, but there might be a market for 800-900.
I actually believe there is a market for 2,700 units (and more) - just not at the price they will be asking here. People can't buy a house in Toronto so a condo apartment is the best (most affordable) way to buy a residence in the city and there are plenty of people wanting to move closer to the core given our rediculous commute times. I don't think demand is gone - affordability is however slipping away. Lower the price of these units and they will go.

(Mirvish owns the land in this caes and therefore has a better position than most to keep prices down - but, he wants build himself a museum - a free one at that - so somebody has to pay)
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I was out of town when this post developed...I have only been able to read the first 10 pages and the last few.

Has there been anything said about those wavy 'pieces of paper' on the model of the podium?

They do not appear to serve any purpose other than to draw attention to the base. I assume this is typical of Gehry's art form for buildings such as the others that he has done before. It looks like the podium or the entire project has just been unwrapped at Christmas.

...Symbolic of a gift to Toronto?
DiManno is something of a rarity as a columnist in that her views lack an ideological coherence, which makes her more like the average person. But she is firmly in the camp of people who do not like change, though she presumably would deny that. Of course, there can be good change or bad change, but my impression as a reader is that for DiManno change bears a very heavy onus to prove its value.

I have just returned from an overseas holiday and while away I monitored (although not often) the press reaction to this proposal. DiManno's writing was a scream. I believe you nailed it, she is a person who doesn't like change, but more than that, she has no concept of what's actually happening and why. On that very same day, Michael Gee (Globe & Mail) wrote about fundamental changes happening in the way we live and why those things are happening. Some contrast, no?

I rarely read DiManno, because I think she's a twit. The problem is that the Star gave her front page on this.
I was out of town when this post developed...I have only been able to read the first 10 pages and the last few.

Has there been anything said about those wavy 'pieces of paper' on the model of the podium?

They do not appear to serve any purpose other than to draw attention to the base. I assume this is typical of Gehry's art form for buildings such as the others that he has done before. It looks like the podium or the entire project has just been unwrapped at Christmas.

...Symbolic of a gift to Toronto?
Gehry has been quoted in a few articles that the pieces of paper at the base of the model are a real work in progress. They're literally pieces of paper at this point but we can expect to see some change to them over the iterations this project goes through before its final design.
Thanks Cassius:

I had not found those quotes, but it does makes some sense.

All of this is very conceptual at this early stage, but much food for thought, speculation and discussion (page 36 after only 13 days).
This is condo whoring at its finest. One tower is ok with me. 3 ugly siblings don,t make it right.
