Senior Member
I dont accept this notion modern towers are ok providing they are tucked behind, obscured, or diluted by old structures at street level.
M+G should not accept having their project play second fiddle on their own site to a couple of warehouses.
There's something phony and apologetic about this approach. Slippery slope arguments...
There's absolutely nothing wrong or apologetic about these towers accepting the existence of these warehouses, rather than insultingly reducing historical context to a vague architectural gesture.
In fact, there are many architectural projects out there that have been strengthened through the presence of older building on site. I refuse to accept the notion that architecture can only be great if it is "undiluted" or "pure", that anything that stands in the way should be swept aside for the new and shiny. I think that the quality of the architecture is dependent on the architect, and these buildings are not a detractor, but rather an aspect of the site that the architect can choose to acknowledge or ignore.
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