Toronto Fleur Condos | 85.34m | 29s | Menkes | a—A


pic from Menkes development's FB page.
I was looking at the floor plans today and was surprised to see that the windows on the north side are only 30cm from the property line starting at the 4th floor. I don't think I've seen that before.
I was looking at the floor plans today and was surprised to see that the windows on the north side are only 30cm from the property line starting at the 4th floor. I don't think I've seen that before.
It's against code from my understanding. What I've been told is anything less than 5.5m needs either some sort of mitigation plan such as making the windows fully sprinklered (expensive) or reaching a Limiting Distance Agreement with the adjacent land owner restricting them from building within a certain distance of the windows.

An interesting spot to see this in action is actually in AURA - go into marshalls and look at the windows facing the park. They are all sprinklered as they directly face onto the park's property line.
I believe they have a limiting distance agreement with CentreCourt re: 199 Church, hence why that building is at the north end of that land assembly… and there's likely something on the book re: that development's separation to whatever comes to its north.

Today. I feel like you can already start to see an orangish colour in the sky from the Alberta wildfires. Supposed to get much worse by Saturday.

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I noticed an orange glow this morning too and an unusual sunset last night. I guess that's the cause? Crazy that it could move that far east
