Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

Even the largest of the test triangles would be almost indistinguishable from even a moderate distance...

An interesting contention, considering the obvious fact that there is a test panel up that can be viewed from a "moderate" distance, and a pattern or texture can be made out.
An interesting contention, considering the obvious fact that there is a test panel up that can be viewed from a "moderate" distance, and a pattern or texture can be made out.

REALLY? Are you serious. Those are one floor above grade and taken from close up. That is not a moderate distance. There is one picture, back in this thread, taken of them from across the street and you can't even make out there ARE triangles on any of them. Plus we are talking about a 72 floor skyscraper here and the overall effect. Not what you can see on the podium by standing directly below. What, in your bionic vision, are you going to make out on the 53rd floor?
REALLY? Are you serious. Those are one floor above grade and taken from close up. That is not a moderate distance. There is one picture, back in this thread, taken of them from across the street and you can't even make out there ARE triangles on any of them. Plus we are talking about a 72 floor skyscraper here and the overall effect. Not what you can see on the podium by standing directly below. What, in your bionic vision, are you going to make out on the 53rd floor?

Really. When I was in the area this morning I noticed that there is a discernable texture from a fair distance, especially when it reflects light from certain angles.

Naturally I'll expect to make out every last molecule once they hit the 53rd floor with my truly amazing bionic vision.
There is one picture, back in this thread, taken of them from across the street and you can't even make out there ARE triangles on any of them. Plus we are talking about a 72 floor skyscraper here and the overall effect. Not what you can see on the podium by standing directly below. What, in your bionic vision, are you going to make out on the 53rd floor?

I can clearly see the pattern on two of those pictures. Patterns are more noticeable over a larger surface area.
I assume they want the building to look as white as possible as well as have the pattern be noticeable. Those are competing objectives.
If the triangles are too big, it will be easily noticeable, but the building will look too gray. If the triangles are too small, the building will look very white, but you won't see the pattern.
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^ Yes I think I said all that when I refereed to the analogy of different grades of brushed stainless steel. You can't see the individual scratches of bushed steel but the overall effect is different depending how finely the steel was finished. The original argument was if you could make out the actual triangles not whether the different sizes would make a difference. Of course they would make a difference in the play of sunlight, but you are not going to stand at Yonge and Bloor and say... "Hmmmm I love those medium sized triangles on the FCP."

^ Yes I think I said all that when I refereed to the analogy of different grades of brushed stainless steel. You can't see the individual scratches of bushed steel but the overall effect is different depending how finely the steel was finished. The original argument was if you could make out the actual triangles not whether the different sizes would make a difference. Of course they would make a difference in the play of sunlight, but you are not going to stand at Yonge and Bloor and say... "Hmmmm I love those medium sized triangles on the FCP."


My enduring view throughout the course of this discussion has unquestionably been that larger sized triangles contributed to a more discernable texture that you could notice from a reasonable distance (Yonge and Bloor indeed...). It's certainly not an absurd suggestion, and it doesn't require that I have bionic vision.

Sometimes your hyperbolic way of communicating with people comes off as quite incendiary.
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They've finished one corner of the climbing scaffold and removed the scaffolding they used to build it. It's quite an amazing structure when you see it in person. It will look incredible sliding up the side of FCP.

Walking to work this morning, I was delighted to see that they have raised a portion of the platform about halfway up the building. Pics are below (sorry for the crappy quality - they were taken on my blackberry).


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View from today of the west side:



If you look closely, you can see 2 workers in the mid section of the upper platform:

It appears that First Canadian Place is being assimilated by the Borg.



Oh I think I get it now. The construction elevators will be how the workers will get onto the platforms, right?
I never understood why the construction elevators were there until now haha.
Oh I think I get it now. The construction elevators will be how the workers will get onto the platforms, right?
I never understood why the construction elevators were there until now haha.

And to transport old marble down and new glass panels up. Notice how the construction elevators are more than long enough for the new 8x10 panels to fit inside.
