Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects


OMG I love it. I don't even care that it makes it look unlike FCP. FCP is boring anyway. Why not spice it up?
I like the big overhangs along King and up Bay. I'm a fan of generous overhangs on rainy days, and when the cruel sun beats down. The trick stairways up to the second floor ( often locked ) doors on the Bay and Adelaide sides don't win the building any friends though.
I always wondered about those stairways that go up but never tried them.
Also of note is the badly deteriorating sidewalk around FCP, I don't think it's been mentioned in these threads before. Many of the tiles are cracking, some areas need re-grading and at the corner of King & Bay has pieces that are actually missing. It's almost as big a mess as the building above.
There use to be a patio up there.

I have always thought they could fit another tower on that corner. The floor plate is larger than that of the Trump tower. Something in the 40s - 60s would be nice.


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The stairs on the Adelaide side lead up to a food court - where the doors are sometimes locked and useless even as an exit. There's a rather grand set of stairs to a basement entrance on that side too - its as if the architect had something against entering the building at plain old street level, though there's a small entrance to the east of all this. The stairs on the Bay side also lead up to food court/ restaurant area doors, which are sometimes locked. I can't remember if the FCP second floor was 'foody' in nature when it first opened. Compared to the sleekly logical layout of the TD Centre and Commerce Court ( before Eb monkeyed with it, anyway ), FCP is perhaps beyond quirky. Meanwhile, the poor old Royal Bank Plaza interiors continue their mean-spirited descent into design hell with each "improvement".
I think the upper level of FCP's concourse was always "foody"--and always, by its location, white elephanty.

Interesting to note the evidence both from the Bay entrance and the King St courtyard that there might once have been an even higher, roof deck level "open"--FCP's answer to the podiums at RBP and the 150 York/181 University/Hilton ensemble?
Was it ever used? Are there those who - like we who remember the aviary on the Commerce Court observation level - have fading memories to share?
Was it ever used? Are there those who - like we who remember the aviary on the Commerce Court observation level - have fading memories to share?

I remember the observation level at Commerce Court with the exotic birds around the inside of the deck, pre-CN Tower of course. We also got stuck in an elevator there once for about 45 minutes, that memory took many years to fade! Of course just a year or two before I had watched ABC's Sunday night "movie of the week" about a group of people stuck in a highrise elevator which begins to slip after one of the cables broke.
Interesting to note the evidence both from the Bay entrance and the King St courtyard that there might once have been an even higher, roof deck level "open"--FCP's answer to the podiums at RBP and the 150 York/181 University/Hilton ensemble?

The original plans for FCP (I browsed through a book of FCP renderings in my Ryerson days at the Architecture Library) called for a roof garden on top of the podium.

With all the hype over green roofs and LEED, it's probably time to reconsider that proposal.
talk about your sears catalogue standard modern building....

If it weren't for the CN Tower it would be the building that defines our skyilne. Based on Toronto's architecture it's perfect for what it is. It's just filthy and has been neglected that's all. It would be quite the sexy box if cleaned up IMO.
