Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

Indeed, I just came back from the sunnyy and lush green South and what a difference- dreary to be sure! As for FCP, it's looking much more spiffy, but at the same time losing dominance as the 'ivory tower' of the FD.

Alas, though, FCP hasn't been "ivory" in years. If there's one thing this reclad underscores, it's how dirty the old marble had gotten. You didn't really notice it until you saw the contrast with the new material.
You didn't really notice it until you saw the contrast with the new material.

The poor condition of the marble was clearly noticeable years before the re-cladding began as many pieces of marble had been replaced contrasting the difference.
FCP on a Rainy Day, seen from Trump Tower

it is only when you're up in these buildings do you realize how beast they are! such massive buildings both in footprint and in height!
what floor was this taken from?
I thought about that reflectivity when I did that huge skyline render. Here's a close-up of the core. Note the reflections in the facade of FCP. (I cheated the Canada Tower's reflection to the left so your eye can figure what was being reflected. It should be farther to the right.)

Great attention to detail Traynor. I hadn't seen a high enough resolution of your render to make that out. This reclad has really been a substantial, and I feel appropriate makeover for FCP.

uggghh i hate canada tower... why are they using the country's name for an everyday short tower....... disgust

Let's hold judgement on "everyday" and "short" until this thing gets a little further along. All we have to go on are low quality youtube clips and I would bet it will undergo some changes before the final product is decided. I am curious about how this one will end up. I can't disagree on the name though... not a fan unless its truly iconic.
Another two floors completed as of today -

I'm just wondering--the counter at the kiosk in the FCP lobby never changes by more than one floor at a time. Right now it's on 53, and I expect we'll see it updated on Monday. But the updates we see here are always about two floors being complete. Do they just do two floors and then move the scaffolding, or what? The kiosk updates have been moving at about 1 floor per week.
I'm just wondering--the counter at the kiosk in the FCP lobby never changes by more than one floor at a time. Right now it's on 53, and I expect we'll see it updated on Monday. But the updates we see here are always about two floors being complete. Do they just do two floors and then move the scaffolding, or what? The kiosk updates have been moving at about 1 floor per week.

They are now completing approximately one floor a week, that is true. I only provide a photographic update every two floors as I thought that it would get kind of old pretty quick if I updated every time one floor was completed. Until recently it took about a month to complete two floors, so it was a little more of an exciting update back then.
