While the rendering is beautiful and is, of course, meant to show off the building being constructed, I always love how the streetscapes are altered so that they in no way resemble the actual environs and make the context of the street fit the bldg and not the other way around. I'm thinking specifically of the first shot across an empty space (that doesn't exist, so the perspective means nothing) to the NW corner of King/John and the bldgs that line the west side of John, south of King. They look all sleek instead of a 2nd Cup, Subway and Aroma restaurant. There's even a hint of historical architecture and extension of bldgs that don't even exist, the sidewalks are double width, and a whole new imaginary building is situated behind the Lightbox. Personally I can't wait for the day when developers have to be honest in the pictures they present and what you see, is really what you get.