Toronto Festival Tower and tiff Lightbox | 156.96m | 42s | Daniels | KPMB

The buildings on the opposite side of this building (south of King) need to be demolished and replaced. At the very least be given a face-lift. Thoughts.
The Holiday Inn, whatever its aesthetic crimes, is one of Toronto's best post-WWII hotel in terms of how it treats the street.

well it is the only office/hotel mixed-use building in the city so that may have something to do with it
no way! south side of king st with all those restaurants is like one of my fave parts of toronto!
What really needs to go is the entire south side of King from Peter Street to Spadina. Hurrah for M5V!
The buildings on the opposite side of this building (south of King) need to be demolished and replaced. At the very least be given a face-lift. Thoughts.

You have a very refined sense of humour.
The buildings on the opposite side of this building (south of King) need to be demolished and replaced. At the very least be given a face-lift. Thoughts.
[Memo from Jane Jacobs' afterlife.] Kill this person. Violently.
Though if he means the buildings *west* of Blue Jays Way (technically not "across", but still), I can see his point--with all those weird tack-ons and Speedy, it is a bit of a jumbled mess. Oh, Jane Jacobs would still defend it over contemporary sterility, but it's more comparable to the pre-demolition "1 Bedford" cluster.

As far as the John-to-BJW block goes, though, fugeddaboudit, except for infilling the parking lot...
He did say "south of King", so perhaps he meant something other than the nice row of restaurants.
the one building that gives me the shivers everytime I walk by it on that strip is the sports store on the south side of king, in front of Mountain Equipment Coop. it's obviously west of the restaurant strip, but I still hate it. the way they've encased the old houses in's just terrible, terrible stuff. i wish they would just get rid of the glass and let the houses be, like the rest of the strip.
and of course the speepy is an eye sore. but that will be taken of by M5V.

but are you kidding me? the restaurant strip, across from the film festival centre? I wish I had money to set up a decent cafe, lounge type place there. in 2 years time that strip is going to be filled with cinephiles and the like looking for a decent place to discuss the rare never before seen in north america japanese film they just saw. and then come film festival time??? as any respectable italian would say...forget about it.
But bear in mind that during the festival, the truly dedicated attendees come out of one movie only to get in line for their next one.
I had a 40 film pass last year and I was never so stressed in my life getting from one place to the next.

but for the casual fan, I'm sure the strip will come in handy before and after seeing 'a' film.
Don't most of these films show up locally, one way or another, eventually?
