Toronto Fashion House | ?m | 12s | Freed | Core Architects

18 December 2012: Fashion House or Glass House?





Nope, no clubs of cafes down there. Had you actually walked along that "romantic" lane, you would have seen no retail space available. This is strictly for car movements.
18 December 2012: Nimbies, shadowy dark & romantic alleys framed by tall buildings can be exciting! From Charlotte Street looking west, Fashion House rising in the distance. c.2030 will this alley be lined with cafes & clubs? Hope so!
I'm with you, but this particular alley is a fire lane :/
I'm not one to complain that everything in Toronto is grey - brown and beige are probably the strongest colours in Toronto's palette - but grey has lost its sleekness in the last five years due to its recent overuse. I think we should have a new neutral take over for newer developments. Rust? Chocolate brown? Black?
Haha...well in that case, then I vote for BLACK. At least for a few years of construction. I think black makes anything look classic, more elegant and more expensive than it actually is. Black window mullions look so much better than grey ones...and I can't see them being that much more expensive (if at all!!).
