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News   Sep 26, 2024
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News   Sep 26, 2024
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Toronto falling from grace? Yeah, right. Canada's No. 1 city is soaring

Montreal is 3. NYC is 4 and in the 80s and early 90s, this was fluid -it was possible to get a bar to serve you beyond 4. New Orleans doesn't have a closing time either and like Vegas no open container law. Now I don't want the streets to smell like vomit but really, 2 a.m. is a little ridiculous.

California fyi is also 2 a.m.
Thanks. So obviously Ontario needs to grow some! This would help Niagara falls as well,
We also need to market the city better. You would be surprised at how many pepole still mention Montreal as the first city of Canada, or still think Montreal is the largest city. We need blitz marketing.

Toronto does a terrible job at marketing itself and it refuses to take tourism seriously. Toronto is not even trying to expand on its downtown core or develop new tourist districts and attractions. The east waterfront should have been developed with a strong focus on tourism and providing Torontonians with fun things to do. Instead, we have a just another ordinary neighbourhood with residential and office space. We didn't even consider an attraction here, sadly. It's a missed opportunity, in a city that has so few tourism focused districts. The same goes for West Don Lands and Cityplace. There is not one museum, art gallery, cinema, live theatre, night club or major attraction in any of those downtown districts. We seriously need more tourist districts and major attractions in the downtown core. (and even away from the core) We need to do a serious tourism /studyplan and pick areas that can be a focus for tourism related attractions, not only to attract tourists but also to provide more fun, animated areas for us Torontonians.

In spite of what some Montrealers say, many Torontonians (like me) like to have FUN!
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Don't kids drink in high school anymore?
Of course, doesn't mean it should be legal at that point yet. If kids show up to class drunk, you can't just kick them out. You have to send them down to the office to get some form of punishment..
I am thinking of a compromise.

The legal drinking "age" should be a high school diploma (after all, there are mature 18-year-olds and immature 19-year-olds) as it is less arbitrary (and an ID should state the cardholder's highest level of education as well), while alcohol advertising should be significantly reduced (but not eliminated). There are teetotallers out there (including myself).
Of course, doesn't mean it should be legal at that point yet.
Why not? I see not reason that there needs to be a minimum age to drink alcohol. Other countries survive just fine without it. You simply limit the minimum age to buy alcohol (so for example a 16-year old can still have wine with a meal in a restaurant - assuming an adult is buying).

And why an 18-year old can't get a drink in a bar here is beyond me.

If kids show up to class drunk, you can't just kick them out. You have to send them down to the office to get some form of punishment..
I was thinking of high school students drinking ... not of them drinking in school!
