Maybe EmeraldPark developer-builder expects all these first floor retail store owners to use plastic pails and line up to empty them at the one washroom available on the first floor retail level,.... some of these EmeraldPark stores will have to hire little kids from third world countries to carry plastic pails of water back and forth!
Further up Yonge Street at the Tridel development at the northeast corner of Yonge & Churchill/Church street (where the Metro is in the back),.... they also have numerous of these PacificMall type cubicle retail space,.... their's are constantly changing - constant retail turnover,... in any given year, it seems half of those stores will be gone and replace with a different store. If that constant retail turnover were to happen at EmeraldPark as well, then a specific cubicle retail space could be hosting a clothing alteration business now but soon it'll be eye-glass store next year, or hair cutting place,.. err,... I mean beauty salon! or fast food or restaurant,.... businesses that would actually need water supply and drainage. Which ensures there will be constant plumbing upgrade renovation,...
Obviously, what should have happened was the developer-builder should have built water supply and drainage into each of the retail units during the initial construction and hid them behind an access door in the drywall. This problem is another example of EmeraldPark developer-builder cutting corners,... running water supply and drainage pipes during construction would have been much easier, cheaper, more convenient for everyone and resulted in a better looking retail space,... now EmeraldPark first floor retail level will have ugly grey plastic water pipes hanging from the white ceiling and walls,....
BTW,... notice I didn't use the PacificMall type cubicle stores at Aura or WorldOnYonge as examples of constant retail turnover,... since they need to actually have retail tenants first in order for them to turnover!!! ;p