Developer: Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario
Address: Eglinton Ave W & Emmett Ave, Toronto
Category: Transit
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): N/A
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Eglinton Line 5 Crosstown West Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

You say that, meanwhile Sunnybrooke Park: Exists
Golden Mile, Lebovic and Aga Khan want to have a word with you
See where I wrote Scarlett to Bemersyde? Or centre of the road to house? Or the word "average"? Want to see a map to show how wrong you are, which interestingly contradicts your spiel on the previous page about how well you know Eglinton? And that "+60m" works out to well over 60m. Again, there are not too many corridors in the city like this.
View attachment 276187


Incorrect. You aren't even close.

The distance from the fronts of these residential units on either side of Lloyd Manor, to the edge of Eglinton is about 12 meters:

View attachment 276103 View attachment 276104

Down the street is this segment, where the distance from the houses on one side to the houses on the other side is about 60m. Obviously a lot less than that to the edge of the road:

View attachment 276110

And in this segment by the pedestrian bridge, it's in the 25-35 range from the back of the house (the house, not the property) to the edge of the street:

View attachment 276108

You can explore this further for yourself by right-clicking on any point in Google Maps, choosing "Measure distance", right-clicking somewhere and and clicking "Distance to here".

Question: So.... where in the world did you get 60m from? Did you make it up? Are you guessing? Are you lying? Are you confusing feet and meters? Please don't do any of those things, man. It rots the brain. Having opinions is great, but at the very least, root them in facts.
44 North for the win. But to be honest, I didn't know where Bemersyde was (Wincott I would have known).
I guess the conclusion is that elevating from Jane to Islington stations (inclusive) could have worked - leaving less than 2km (and 2 stations, Kipling and Martin Grove) of tunnel and then elevate again over Mimico Creek. There is even a grade there that makes a portal more favourable.
The city of Toronto is responsible for this line going underground. Everybody knows Doug Ford is against on street transit but nothing tells me that he is against elevated and only prefers underground. When the options for Eglinton West were being evaluated before Doug Ford became premier, the city of Toronto did a hit piece against the elevated option with so much bias. We all know the city of Toronto is in love with on street LRT but it doesn't mean they should disregard other superior options. Other cities have elevated transit and they are not ugly like how it is made to be. Amsterdam which looks better than Toronto has elevated transit all over the city and city still looks good. If the city of Toronto had went with the superior elevated option we wouldn't be building the majority of this line underground. I'm sure Doug Ford would have went with elevated over underground as it will have been grade separated and will be cheaper than underground. Due to the bias of the city of Toronto we will now be getting the more expensive option.
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The city of Toronto is responsible for this line going underground. Everybody knows Doug Ford is against on street transit but nothing tells me that he is against elevated and only prefers underground. When the options for Eglinton West was being evaluated before Doug Ford became premier, the city of Toronto did a hit piece against the elevated option with so much bias. We all know the city of Toronto is in love with on street LRT but it doesn't mean they should disregard other superior options. Other cities have elevated transit and they are not ugly like how it is made to be. Amsterdam which looks better than Toronto has elevated transit all over the city and city still looks good. If the city of Toronto had went with the superior elevated option we wouldn't be building the majority of this line underground. I'm sure Doug Ford would have went with elevated over underground as it will have been grade separated and will be cheaper than underground. Due to the bias of the city of Toronto we will now be getting the more expensive option.
I think that's exactly the problem. I absolutely agree that Elevated is the best solution of Eglinton West, but that option isn't presented to us. We are either pro Doug Ford - the underground option, or we are for the city or any provincial party - the on street option IE the worst option.
I think that's exactly the problem. I absolutely agree that Elevated is the best solution of Eglinton West, but that option isn't presented to us. We are either pro Doug Ford - the underground option, or we are for the city or any provincial party - the on street option IE the worst option.

Elevated was evaluated by the city. I remember seeing the report posted here but the city of Toronto with their love of on street LRT did a hit piece with biased reasoning against the elevated option so that the on street LRT will come on top which is the preferred option that they brought forward. They have an obsession with on street LRT and cant see anything else. It's either all underground for subways or on street LRT for them. They can't see beyond anything else.
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^And the funny thing is, the city cant even implement on-street LRT properly to it's fullest capabilities despite being in heavy favor of it. They like to include unnecessary stops, and have the Transportation Department interfere with implementing full signal priority on varying segments of any given transit line.
I think that's exactly the problem. I absolutely agree that Elevated is the best solution of Eglinton West, but that option isn't presented to us. We are either pro Doug Ford - the underground option, or we are for the city or any provincial party - the on street option IE the worst option.
Metrolinx examined elevated for the EWLRT but presented it in the worst possible light, the fix was in from the start. It seems the powers that be have always had there preferred method and simply paid lip-service to other options in an attempt to look fair and unbiased. This seems to be the way things work now since we saw something similar happen with the SSE.
The city of Toronto is responsible for this line going underground. Everybody knows Doug Ford is against on street transit but nothing tells me that he is against elevated and only prefers underground. When the options for Eglinton West was being evaluated before Doug Ford became premier, the city of Toronto did a hit piece against the elevated option with so much bias. We all know the city of Toronto is in love with on street LRT but it doesn't mean they should disregard other superior options. Other cities have elevated transit and they are not ugly like how it is made to be. Amsterdam which looks better than Toronto has elevated transit all over the city and city still looks good. If the city of Toronto had went with the superior elevated option we wouldn't be building the majority of this line underground. I'm sure Doug Ford would have went with elevated over underground as it will have been grade separated and will be cheaper than underground. Due to the bias of the city of Toronto we will now be getting the more expensive option.

No, the Government of Ontario is responsible for the line going underground. They could have made the decision to elevate it, but they didn't. The City of Toronto isn't responsible for poor decisions made at the provincial level.
No, the Government of Ontario is responsible for the line going underground. They could have made the decision to elevate it, but they didn't. The City of Toronto isn't responsible for poor decisions made at the provincial level.

That is hogwash. The city of Toronto evaluated the options for for this corridor before Doug Ford became premier. They stuck with the on street LRT even though there was opposition from some in the area including the councillor who did not want that option. As soon as Doug Ford came in and knowing his history he hates on street LRT, it was changed. If the city had stuck with an elevated option and evaluated it properly, an elevated option could have been presented as the preferred route which Doug Ford and the province wouldn't have a problem with it. Afternall for the Ontario Line, they are going with elevated in some parts which as we see the city and it's politicians are fighting the elevated option.

I found the report:

As soon as Doug Ford came in and knowing his history he hates on street LRT, it was changed. If the city had stuck with an elevated option and evaluated it properly, an elevated option could have been presented as the preferred route which Doug Ford and the province wouldn't have a problem with it.

You’re trolling, right? You do realize that Doug could’ve unilaterally decided to elevate the thing, if that was indeed his preferred option? Or are you suggesting that Doug was somehow unaware that elevation was an option? Or is it that Doug just isn’t responsible for his own bad decision making??
The city of Toronto is responsible for this line going underground. Everybody knows Doug Ford is against on street transit but nothing tells me that he is against elevated and only prefers underground. When the options for Eglinton West was being evaluated before Doug Ford became premier, the city of Toronto did a hit piece against the elevated option with so much bias. We all know the city of Toronto is in love with on street LRT but it doesn't mean they should disregard other superior options. Other cities have elevated transit and they are not ugly like how it is made to be. Amsterdam which looks better than Toronto has elevated transit all over the city and city still looks good. If the city of Toronto had went with the superior elevated option we wouldn't be building the majority of this line underground. I'm sure Doug Ford would have went with elevated over underground as it will have been grade separated and will be cheaper than underground. Due to the bias of the city of Toronto we will now be getting the more expensive option.

I'm sure Doug didn't look at any reports, his and Rob's fixation with subways is well know and has gone back many years.
You’re trolling, right? You do realize that Doug could’ve unilaterally decided to elevate the thing, if that was indeed his preferred option? Or are you suggesting that Doug was somehow unaware that elevation was an option? Or is it that Doug just isn’t responsible for his own bad decision making??

You must be trolling if you can't wrap your brain around that fact that the city of Toronto was in charge of planning for this line after SmartTrack and they stuck with the on street LRT for years. They fought back against grade separation at intersections and elevated. If elevated was the preferred option once Ford came in, there would have been no pushback against it to change it to something else. Doug Ford has nothing against elevated transit as evident with the Ontario Line which has portions elevated. He has a problem with on street LRT which is what the city has been pushing for years. What did the city of Toronto do for all those years they were in planning for years for this extension and chose to stick with the useless on street LRT instead of looking at elevated. I hope you can comprehend as I can't break it down any further.
