Toronto Edge on Triangle Park | ?m | 21s | Plaza | TACT Architecture

Massive arts hub coming to West Queen West Triangle

Posted by Derek Flack / MAY 10, 2012

A new 36,000 square foot arts hub is coming to the area dubbed the West Queen West Triangle — and longstanding community group Active 18 has their fingerprints all over the project. To be built at the bottom of the still-under-construction Edge condo at Queen and Lisgar, future tenants of the space already include Gallery TPW, the Toronto Media Arts Cluster (TMAC), Interaccess, Le Labo, the Canadian Film Distribution Centre, Charles Street Video, the Toronto Animated Images Society, and the Images Festival.

According to Active 18's Charles Campbell, all of the organizations destined for the building will close their existing locations when it comes time to make the move to the arts hub. Although a firm opening date remains elusive, the target is fall 2013. At present, the development that will house the hub is little more than a foundation. When complete, the space will occupy the second and third floors of the condo.
Here is more...........

The unexpected merits of Toronto's condo boom

The Queen West Triangle was one of the earliest and noisiest battlefields in the condo wars. When developers started buying up land in the old industrial area south of Queen Street and west of Dovercourt Road, local activists feared they would push out all the artists and ruin the character of the neighbourhood.

Something quite different has happened. The area is indeed changing, with construction cranes looming, condos popping up left and right, and gentrification in full swing. But far from being banished from what was supposed to become a bourgeois wasteland, the arts are thriving.
facebook page

Hey, I created a Facebook group for Edge on Triangle Park for Owners and Residents. I will be posting updates as frequently as possible.

If you are a Resident or Owner feel free to join the group, give status updates, post photos, and share your experiences.

Click here to go to the group!
550 sqft 2 bedroom?!?! Where do they draw the line. Are they forgetting the place has to be liveable.

Well designed and efficient 600sqft with high ceilings is the absolute minimum I would do.

The layouts are not as bad as the bridge/connect 2brs, but damn 550sqft 2br :S
550 sqft 2 bedroom?!?! Where do they draw the line. Are they forgetting the place has to be liveable.

Well designed and efficient 600sqft with high ceilings is the absolute minimum I would do.

The layouts are not as bad as the bridge/connect 2brs, but damn 550sqft 2br :S

Its all about lay out. Keep in mind that 560sqft can work if its layed out properly. Some units are better than others at edge but Ive seen some tiny ass poorly layed out units in the WQW area.
I don't know. I get claustrophobic just thinking about it. If they are going to build them this small they really need 9ft ceilings to make them appear more spacious.

Click on "unite 2" 6" 2' x 7" 7' with no closet or window. Horrible.

Looking at your link just now. I noticed that this is not for edge on triangle park. The link you posted clicking on unite 2 is for a building about a block away at king st and joe shoester way.

Although edge also has 8ft ceilings to my knowledge. Check out the facebook link above for some of the floor plans.
Tactless? Anyhow, will be interesting to see how it turns out. Probably will be the only decent building on the block. 23 June 2012:

