Toronto Dragon Condos | 37.49m | 10s | Ideal Developments | IBI Group


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Apr 23, 2007
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Urbanation's twitter feed says "Spadina Dev Corp & Meta Form Architects submit ZBA for new condo at 270 Spadina Ave." with link to rendering here:


I believe Meta Form is from South Africa, with a Toronto office, as their website says they've done Loblaw stores in Toronto.

Looks kind of weird--could be a future eyesore.

I believe the site is currently the Chinatown "Far East Theatre/Pho 88 at Spadina and Willison.
Just saw this in the upcoming CofA agenda . It talked about expansion of the above ground parkade of Dragon City (or connected to) but this looks almost like a complete rebuild from ground up.

I don't think I like this one. It looks out of place. So not Toronto.

thanks UD ...

good that redevelopment of that theatre is happening, but this proposal is UGLY ~ looks very ghetto-ish ...yuk !


actually this is equalvalent to the old high-rise rental buildings in Regent Park to me ~ Spadina deserves something better

Way, WAY too busy. At least the Regent Park buildings used consistent material, this building is a veritable dog's breakfast.

Back to the drawing board.
I have this feeling it may be ugly 70s looking brushed concrete ~
It definitely looks very amateurish. Never mind the sketchy cladding that looks like construction wood, but look at the Spadina facade. It's nothing but a single glass wall with some poorly placed doses of colour. It needs to be refined further. This is Spadina after all, one of our more impressive and vibrant boulevards.
Wow, that rendering looks hideous. It looks like Queen & Portland condo's even uglier step child.
I hope this never gets built.

Metaform Architect's residential interiors portfolio pics cracks me up:


Metaforn Architects' work lists work done under other firms and projects of little significance (KFC and No Frills outlets, generic office interiors, etc.), so they seem like amateurs.
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Redevelopment of this site is long overdue. I believe that theatre (building) attached to Dragon City has been empty for almost 2 decades now. Being on a wide, busy main street and with the massive Alexandra Park redevelopment happening right next to this, there's potential to go even higher.
Redevelopment of this site is long overdue. I believe that theatre (building) attached to Dragon City has been empty for almost 2 decades now. Being on a wide, busy main street and with the massive Alexandra Park redevelopment happening right next to this, there's potential to go even higher.

Is Dragon city remaining though ? Or are they redeveloping the entire site, kind of looks that way.
