Toronto Daniels Waterfront - City of the Arts | 156.05m | 45s | Daniels | RAW Design

I'm not going to argue that these towers are spectacular, but I think they're being unfairly criticized (at least at this point). If you view the site in-person, the podium cladding (with the fins) is actually quite imposing and impressive from street-level. The form of the towers is nothing special, but I actually think the light-brown mullion matches nicely with the colour of the commercial building in front of it. The balcony cladding will determine whether this ends up looking good or not (and we haven't seen the balcony cladding yet - the first four floors aren't the same as the rest of the floors above), but so far I view it as a solid addition.
All these garbage exteriors is a product of today's disposable culture. We used to make things to last. A television set was good for 15+ years. Now we throw things away after a few years and we build things to fall apart quickly. These building exteriors are no different. We used to build things to last a century yet these facades often have a shelf life of 20 years maximum.
There have always been low-quality, crappy goods, but the ones made in the past failed years ago and were thrown out, so the only things still sticking around are the ones were built to last. Confirmation bias!

But yeah, this tower is pretty cheap.
I'm not going to argue that these towers are spectacular, but I think they're being unfairly criticized (at least at this point). If you view the site in-person, the podium cladding (with the fins) is actually quite imposing and impressive from street-level. The form of the towers is nothing special, but I actually think the light-brown mullion matches nicely with the colour of the commercial building in front of it. The balcony cladding will determine whether this ends up looking good or not (and we haven't seen the balcony cladding yet - the first four floors aren't the same as the rest of the floors above), but so far I view it as a solid addition.

Well said.

I actually like it the way they are and hopefully, the balcony cladding will make them look more complete.

Dollarama is not cheap and is extremely popular. Just look at their stock prices. I have a feeling everyone on this board if they are living in Toronto has shopped at Dollarama and will continue to do so not because of its cheapness, but value.
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Toronto is the Dollarama of cities.
Haha, yup it's easy to find flaws when we have more hi-rise construction going on than New York, Los Angeles and Chicago combined,
..look around there is also lots of nice stuff proposed, starting up, and going up at the moment.
All these garbage exteriors is a product of today's disposable culture. We used to make things to last. A television set was good for 15+ years. Now we throw things away after a few years and we build things to fall apart quickly. These building exteriors are no different. We used to build things to last a century yet these facades often have a shelf life of 20 years maximum.

No wonder they don't spend money on them. Unfortunately we predictably end up with buildings that look cheap, uninspired, boring, and/or ugly. Perhaps when all these facades start failing in 2030-2050 consumers will get angry enough that things will change.

It's to the point that cheap, crappy exteriors is becoming Toronto's signature. Maybe people around the world will start calling a building 'Toronto style' if it looks cheap, boring, and of poor quality.

True, but as a consumer culture that's always the direction we've been heading. To be fair, new TVs do seem to have a good lifespan in my experience. :p

As far as architecture is concerned, it isn't just a Toronto phenomenon. We typically cite the best of the best examples in other cities, but there's crap going up everywhere.

So far this particular project isn't looking too bad. The base facing Sugar Beach looks quite nice. I'll reserve judgement on the towers until they're done.
Reviewing a building mid-construction is one of UT's favourite past-times. I'm withholding judgement until the balcony glass is installed.

Balcony glass will probably help, and I'm with you in withholding judgement until the building is completed - but at this point, the chances that this turns out nice aren't looking exactly likely.
