Toronto Daniels Waterfront - City of the Arts | 156.05m | 45s | Daniels | RAW Design

Although it's tragic that our fun times here have been crushed and bulldozed away, at least we have wonderful demolition photography to capture :)

Thanks, guys!! I decided that having such a short name was a chance to be more creative with it. It's taken me a few months to properly learn to integrate it properly into almost any scene but I think I have it down now.

Can you guys see where it is in the 3rd pic? :)

at the top of (Royal Bank Plaza?) tower middle in the background .... very clever ... nice watermarks indeed
Great pics and very creative watermarks! What program are you using - is it built in with your camera or on your computer? Thanks.
How about these? The north portion


Mixed-Use building containing residential, commercial and institutional uses. The building will consist of a 45 and 35 storey tower that is connected by a 5 storey podium, which will house a post-secondary acedemic institution
That's just an application; not marketing materials. I too am surprised by the demolition happening so early but perhaps they want to get a sales centre or something there. Or a parking lot for revenue in the meantime.
It's a render though which is what was asked for

edit: and there's more than just a tower going here - there's a 13 storey office being built on the south part of the lot.

One of the north towers is supposed to be a rental as well so there's no real need for any marketing materials for that
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There's zero surprise that it's being demolished. Everything is on the up and up and fully within their rights. They have an approved demo permit. Less security needed with a vacant site, less likelihood of squatters, room to build a new sales centre with ample parking. The list goes on really. Rumour has it that some Guv Stone is being salvaged for incorporation into the new complex to aussage the examiners.
And the office tower/building

Front page story with more info here!

Oh that's sharp! The fritted glass as the visual representation of a .wav file referencing that location's importance musically (also a double reference to the waves of the water across the street? Okay, I'm probably reading too much into it). Anyway, that looks really cool.
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…and now the story has been updated. Same url. Here's hoping whatever has changed is still cool… 'cuz yes, it's looking pretty cool.

