Toronto CrystalBlu Condos | ?m | 36s | Bazis | Burka

To make clear the point of the sociopath joke from many posts back: the marketers involved must have utter contempt for the public they were targeting to include "blue" (or an adspeak variant thereof) in the name of the building, when the cladding of the building makes that an outright lie. That extreme antisocial attitude and a lack of conscience is textbook sociopathic behaviour. I choose my words pretty carefully.


At any rate, I agree - the colour does have a bluish hue, but certainly not "bluish" enough to warrant even a brief mention of it in the marketing materials. CrystalBluishGrey in my books.

I agree with those that say they didn't deliver on the Blue. Condo marketing has become a joke IMO. The end product has nothing to do with the marketing campaign. No matter how they market these things, in the end most seem to be boring boxes raising up into the sky. Be sure to see thru this when you go to presentation centers.

You are right. I saw the Blu sales centre. The windows on the model was were definitely blue -- a deep, beautiful blue. The sales centre was also gorgeous and there was every indication that it would be a high-end building inside and out. Except that is, for the company building it.

We did not buy it because of that -- it was the first project for a fly-by-night company from Kazakhstan and we thought that they must have hired some brilliant marketers but probably wouldn't live up to the hype. It was just a feeling -- or maybe an in-born prejudice against anywhere that was part of the USSR.

For once in my life, I was right about something and made a good financial decision. It's clear Bazis is looking to cut and run -- the exterior is awful and not something I would want to see in any neighbourhood, least of all Yorkville. Those blue glass shards on the front (maybe so you can't sue them for calling it Blu!) were the last straw -- absolute proof that the people behind the marketing have no taste and no class. I suppose fotruntately for the buyers, even if it's well below expecatations they'll probably do ok on account of prices having risen and the location.
I suppose fotruntately for the buyers, even if it's well below expecatations they'll probably do ok on account of prices having risen and the location.

There are a lot of seriously obstructed views on the north and south side, I'll be curious to see how much these units appreciate once the building is registered and they hit MLS.
by me

It's pretty standard fare for what is being built in Toronto. I don't see what the big deal is.
What's with the random white spandrels?

khristopher ... that is EXACTLY what I thought too ! as noted on my post #696 of page 47:

its seems like there is no consistency to CrystalBlu's window patterns at all, the elevation seems so unplanned ... appears as though Bazis is opening/closing windows on an as-need basis on each floor upon purchasers' requests ... judging from the photos, it appear window abnormalies (not resulting from floorplate changes) occur on the 12th, 28th and 33rd level etc... a very sloppy exterior IMO :(

It's pretty standard fare for what is being built in Toronto. I don't see what the big deal is.

You don't understand. The building isn't blue enough for certain posters on this thread. Catastrophe! Much panic ensues among various cranks and real estate agents who are pumping other condo projects.
There are a lot of seriously obstructed views on the north and south side, I'll be curious to see how much these units appreciate once the building is registered and they hit MLS.

Not to mention the top dollar many payed for a south view from Pemberton's Uptown, only to have the blocked by this later arriving Bazis tower. I've got a unit over at Casa and cannot believe the spectacular view. It amazes me that people are content to buy a condo that looks out onto a another condo

At any rate, I agree - the colour does have a bluish hue, but certainly not "bluish" enough to warrant even a brief mention of it in the marketing materials. CrystalBluishGrey in my books.

Don't know why the word Crystal is even has windows like every other condo. 'BlueishGrey tower with blocked views' should have been the marketing campaign!! lol.
