Toronto Couture The Condominium | ?m | 42s | Philmor | Graziani + Corazza

Not the best picture, but you can see lots of progress being made. As was mentioned, the crane should be in soon.

Jarvis St. was closed down this past weekend so they could pour concrete. The on site traffic cop said it costs $46 for a permit to shut down the street.
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Wow! What a bargain! I'm going to apply for a few, just for kicks. First order of business, shutting down Adelaide St. at Parliament between 11 PM and 7 AM, that way the assholes who gun it from the lights don't wake me up during the night.
Wow! What a bargain! I'm going to apply for a few, just for kicks. First order of business, shutting down Adelaide St. at Parliament between 11 PM and 7 AM, that way the assholes who gun it from the lights don't wake me up during the night.

That's the only thing you'd do? That's not a bad price to pay for a street party.
The pit has been poured and the base for the crane looks ready. I suspect the crane will go up in about a week.
It's actually happening...

UPDATE - 7:48pm and these guys are still working. I think they are determined to get this crane setup tonight.



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