I love that those for whom aA is not exactly their favourite architect, and who go on ad nauseum about the Toronto Box, ignore the fact that aA's Ãce with its disciplined curves and fantastic cladding is arguably the most exciting complex going skyward right now, that aA's Market Wharf, forced into being a slab by the height-haunted St. Lawrence neighbourhood types, is despite that looking more and more amazing with every floor of its alternating wave pattern balcony glass getting installed, that aA's Theatre Park with its diagonal banding promises to be one of the most eye-catching designs on the Downtown skyline, that aA's Sixty Colbourne plan features unique, deep orange textural framing on its podium and a richly detailed laneway arch at street level… and on and on, project after project. We are far richer for having aA making a major contribution to our city.
Those who accuse aA of doing nothing more than "boring" boxes are either being willfully disingenuous, and are therefore trolling, or are simply so prejudiced that they are blind to what is really going on.