Toronto Concord Canada House | 231.97m | 74s | Concord Adex | Arcadis

Concord, for the final "crowning" phase of their development:
"Yeah, make it as generic and uninteresting as possible. Then tack a maple leaf pattern and balcony heaters on it and name it after Canada. That's iconic. Oh, by the way - don't forget to make the podium super generic too - offer nothing to the street and make the earlier phases look good by comparison."

It's wild that this project actually started years and years ago with some interesting urban design and architecture borne of a design competition... but alas, every year Concord sells out more, and cares about city-building less. And so this is the "Signature Tower" -- err, Canada House -- that we got.
It’s Concord. The bar is low. I’d say they exceeded my low expectations.
They passed the bar exam, that's all that matters. 😁😅

These were from today while holding a box social.
...yeah, I noticed one of the towers sans-crane way up from Bloor & Spadina today.
