Re: Why cant I edit?
I think that perceptions of Toronto are extremely dependent on one's generation viewpoint and general social milieu. Robert Fulford, for example, has harped on numerous occasions that Toronto reminds him of a mid-western US city in its social mores, something which Clifford Krauss (the former NYT Toronto correspondent) was said to agree with in Fulford's profile of him in Toronto Life. An older (60ish) acquaintance of mine, an ex-Saskatchewaner by way of San Francisco now living in TO, has made similar comments about Toronto seeming somehow mid-western, a small-minded kind of place, on numerous occasions. This seems to be a common attitude among folks 'of a certain age.'
But it is truly bizarre--how many midwestern cities have no dominant ethnic groups, (by US standards) flaming-left politics, a world-level Gay Pride parade and the planet's top film festival, let alone the dozens of other things that make Toronto so incredible? I suppose it just goes to show that it takes a long time to change perceptions of places, even when the reality is so drastically different. In any case, the number of people with memories of stuffy, Anglo "Queen City" Toronto is certainly dwindling as such individuals age. Only a good thing.