Toronto Clear Spirit | 131.36m | 40s | Cityscape | a—A

View from the south end of St. Lawrence Market, Jan 21, 2013:

Looking good! Looking forward to moving in to Clear Spirit the first weekend in February. Should be a breath of fresh air in comparison to condo life in North York.
That little pub you see in the bottom left of the picture? Nice little tucked away place. But it's not better than Bellissimos, just further east on the Esplanade. Great little neighborhood joint. Lots of memories. Ahh.
Gorgeous shot.

am I the only one who thinks that the gooderham has really snuck up without anyone noticing? it seems like just yesterday that it was sitting at 3 floor tall.
Well there will be in the surrounding area soon enough.
Seriously, what exactly do you mean by "viable"? The place is pretty busy almost every day of the week, and most of the businesses there have managed to stay afloat (despite many being overpriced, targeting a more limited clientèle). Besides, with all the new construction surrounding the DD, those 5000 new residents will be here soon enough.
So true regarding the overpriced part ... well sorry I shouldn't say that ... out of my price range (and typical Toronto's residents price range I imagine ; - ).

Rents are not astronomical either I hear (for rents), commercial (i.e. office use not retail) space is pretty hot their too !
