Toronto Clear Spirit | 131.36m | 40s | Cityscape | a—A

The "intimate" feeling that Andrew refers to, which the Pure Spirit podium creates, reflects the feeling that already exists in the narrow laneways between the old buildings, and is a way of extending the character of the old by adding the new.
Pure Spirit Progress, Nov 24, 2007


NEW MIX PICS FROM YESTERDAY... windows are now going up on the podium and more landscaping is being prepared. Looking at it now i wish they had done the whole podium in clad and glass i dont think the tower and podium are mixing well together the tone of the brick seems a bit off compared to the rest of the distillery.

fyi : for other buyers such as myself there is another delay expected... :(












NEW MIX PICS FROM YESTERDAY... windows are now going up on the podium and more landscaping is being prepared. Looking at it now i wish they had done the whole podium in clad and glass i dont think the tower and podium are mixing well together the tone of the brick seems a bit off compared to the rest of the distillery.

What does everyone else think of the glass + brick combination? Does this make it contextual?

From some of those pictures, the tower looks to fit in quite well with the rest of the district.
Looks rather sophisticated in that second last pic to have a rectangular box unbricked around the parking levels while the concrete behind slopes. If you have to have parking above ground... nice touch.

If find the glass particularly beautiful; the nicest of all the Clewes projects. The brick works for me too. In fact, everything about this building works for me.
I walked by on Saturday afternoon. The above ground parking garage is hideous. The brick is ugly, the shape is boxy and it has zero relationship to the street. The building itself is fine, but the garage should never have been built.

As for the Distillery itself, I love this area, but there are hundreds of people living in condos down there already and the place was dead (and it was a grogeous day). I doubt if adding these new residents is going to perk things up much.
I like the tower, but I really, really hate the base....
I have to agree the podium is looking worse and worse. I actually don't have a problem with the size itself rather the color of the brick and its relation to the surrounding buildings in the district. On the other hand the tower itself is looking very handsome. Contrast refreshing!

As for increase of business in the area I believe that the additional residence will have an impact overall, unlike the other three buildings already there the new spirit developments are housing higher income individuals who have a taste for unique living which is why they chose to buy in the distillery as oppose to ie. king west, dt core. I guess we will have to wait and see... :D
i was in the area so i thought i'd take some pics and update the thread.

the tower is just to the left of the CN Tower

From Cherry St.

From Mill St.





