Toronto Clear Spirit | 131.36m | 40s | Cityscape | a—A

I was just preempting a dozen additional and identical posts (ten dozen if certain Clewesianistas became involved). Still, no one asks for clarification when people like something...responding to dislike invariably equates to picking a fight on this forum.

Woke up on the wrong side of the bed did we? :)
Yes, that long building is where the amenities are to be located. This includes some kind of pool on the rooftop of the third floor, at about the same level as and right next to the train tracks! I thought that seemed pretty silly.

Ok, so here's the site plan (it is finally now clear to me.)

The first image shows the entire site looking south east. The building in the foreground on the pointy podium is Pure Spirits which is now close to being finished. The tallest building in the centre is Clear Spirits. The third building on the left is Gooderham which will be next to Cherry Street.

The second image is looking northwest. Clear Spirits on the left, Gooderham on the right. (In case you're wondering, this is a 2nd model of just those two buildings that they had made up). *Note the twisted tophat roofs on both.

The third image is looking south east.

The fourth image is looking directly south.
Re-posted from the Gooderham thread...

Ok, so here's the site plan (it is finally now clear to me.)

The first image shows the entire site looking south east. The building in the foreground on the pointy podium is Pure Spirits which is now close to being finished. The tallest building in the centre is Clear Spirits. The third building on the left is Gooderham which will be next to Cherry Street. (There is absolutely zero signs of any kind of site work for both Clear Spirits and Gooderham).

The second image is looking northwest. Clear Spirits on the left, Gooderham on the right. (In case you're wondering, this is a 2nd model of just those two buildings that they had made up). *Note the twisted tophat roofs on both.

The third image is looking south east.

The fourth image is looking directly south.

And by the way, the jutting/protruding/deformed wrap around balconies are not a render illusion. People's balconies will be in odd shapes as some parts of it become very narrow and then very wide in a continuous shape around the building like this...

Well, hopefully the added residents will contribute to the vibrancy of the area. That's about the only good thing I can say about this.
Well, hopefully the added residents will contribute to the vibrancy of the area. That's about the only good thing I can say about this.

And don't forget, Peter Clewes designed them. That makes any project perfect by default ;).
casaguy: Thanks for posting the images, which show how nicely the towers - each subtly different but related - will work together.

Actually, Clear Spirit is the taller of the two new towers - the one that bulges out slightly in the midsection. It will emerge form the reconfigured Rack House 'M', which can be seen in your last three images. The hideous, windowless hulk of Rack House 'M' will be reduced in height so it is more in scale with the heritage buildings ( such as the Young Centre ) nearbye, and transformed at pedestrian level. I believe that's the easterly starting point of the low 'ribbon building' in your second image - it runs along the south side of the site.

The Clear Spirit model has been on display for months and months in the sales centre on site.
