I wasn't very clear - I fully support alternatives to commuting by car. The simpler the alternative, the better. Walking or biking to work is best of all in my books. I consider commuting by train (usually done in conjunction with a short drive or bus trip at the other end) a necessary evil, but necessary nonetheless in a city the size of Toronto. Commuting by car ought to be heavily taxed to the extent that the real costs are borne by those who use the resources.
But don't take this to mean in any way that I'm opposed to developing rail infrastructure, I'm all for rail, LRT etc. I am however opposed to a city that sprawls far beyond it's reasonable boundaries. When someone buys a relatively cheap 4000ft sq house on subdivided agricultural land and pays for it by commuting 45 mins by train, I think it's to the detriment of the whole.
The issue I have with GO expanding its area of service, it allowing urban sprawl to jump the greenbelt. If the Towns and cities on the other side of the greenbelt don't get their act together, you are moving greenhouse gas and gridlock to another location without trying to deal with it in the first place.
The grid lock starts in the driveway of a house or a parking garage of a condo or apartment. As long as you allow that extra car or 4 for these places, you are only adding more single drivers on the road to continue the whole mess.
At the same time, until businesses stop providing free parking with surface parking, you are not going to cut down the number of single drivers on the road.
If GO can find more crews and start moving to 20 minute all day service, this will start cutting down on the number of single drivers on the road.
At the same time, local transit has to play a larger role in getting people to/from the GO station as well to a riders place of needs with 7/24 service running 15 minutes or less. In many places that kind of service cannot be done due to low density.
All towns and cities must start increasing the area density that it can support transit in the first place.
The government started to move in the right direction with "Place to Grow", but it needs to add more teeth to this policy by stating X cars are only allow in these places.
It is privilege to drive, not a given right to do so considering 50% of the drivers should not be on the road as they are poor drivers in the first place.
All planners must start designing areas as places to live, work and play to the point they happen in buildings, not separate areas. Some types of business and play area will require separate area.