Toronto CIBC SQUARE | 241.39m | 50s | Hines | WilkinsonEyre

  • Thread starter Suicidal Gingerbread Man
  • Start date
^ Exactly. They also paid a lot of money for this lot, so I doubt they'd be willing to settle for anything much smaller in scale, which makes it very likely that they'll wait for all the current crop of office buildings to fill up before they start. Obviously, they could build it in phases, with any potential residential buildings being built sooner, but it's very possible (and likely, IMO) that this won't be built before the end of the decade.

whats wrong with these idiots. why they bought this they should use the money for 45 bay st and pay attention to 45 bay street.
and same with oxford place they are spending money on Hudson yards and are not paying attention to Oxford place.

Are you serious? These companies do work in other cities and countries, as well. Why should they focus on these two Toronto projects anymore than their other works in various cities? What makes 45 Bay St and Toronto's Oxford proposal anymore important than Hudson Yards, or any other development these two companies are developing? Just because we'd like to see these two projects get underway soon, that doesn't mean they're the top priority for the owners of these properties.

whats wrong with these idiots. why they bought this they should use the money for 45 bay st and pay attention to 45 bay street.
and same with oxford place they are spending money on Hudson yards and are not paying attention to Oxford place.

Clearly you need some educating on why real estate companies are in the business they are in - to acquire land, buildings, etc. to make money for their shareholders. I wondered what the purpose of this article was at first - a reference to 45 Bay Street? No. A reference to Ivanhoe Cambridge selling 45 Bay Street? No. Strictly a report on what real estate investment/development firms, like this one, do, which is reporting on their latest acquisitions. End of story and no need to link it to 45 Bay Street.
Are you serious? These companies do work in other cities and countries, as well. Why should they focus on these two Toronto projects anymore than their other works in various cities? What makes 45 Bay St and Toronto's Oxford proposal anymore important than Hudson Yards, or any other development these two companies are developing? Just because we'd like to see these two projects get underway soon, that doesn't mean they're the top priority for the owners of these properties.

what I meant by the statement was that they are only paying attention to projects in New York but they are not paying attention to projects in Toronto. and u said that " What makes 45 Bay St and Toronto's Oxford proposal anymore important than Hudson Yards, or any other development these two companies are developing? so let me tell u that if they show there interest in these projects they can make these projects more important than Hudson yards or other projects.
Ivanhoe Cambridge is funded by one of largest if not the largest pension fund in the country. They are extremely able to make multiple real estate transaction in multiple locations at one time. To suggest they are ignoring Toronto because they purchased an interest in a New York property or are completing a premier office complex in Calgary is not very smart. In the end, building new buildings comes down to tenants. If you know one in Toronto needing a million square feet please let Ivanhoe Cambridge know. I'm sure they will gladly build the supertall everyone desires.
go a head and do it. but listen to me man I have an advice for u before I go, when someone tries to show some interest in something you should encourage him that will boost his interest and knowledge and that interest can change into a passion or hobby. when I post something I am trying to show my interest but when I get such remarks, this crushes my interest and now im feeling like my interest for skyscrapers is fading.

Why would your interest in skyscrapers fade because some people insulted you? As a result, I can understand not wanting to discuss such topics with people on this forum; but to say you're losing interest in skyscrapers because of some rude comments is just odd and nonsensical. Why would that make you any less interested in your hobby? That's like me saying I don't care about music anymore because someone made fun of a comment I made about a particular album.
Why would your interest in skyscrapers fade because some people insulted you? As a result, I can understand not wanting to discuss such topics with people on this forum; but to say you're losing interest in skyscrapers because of some rude comments is just odd and nonsensical. Why would that make you any less interested in your hobby? That's like me saying I don't care about music anymore because someone made fun of a comment I made about a particular album.

what I meant by the statement was that they are only paying attention to projects in New York but they are not paying attention to projects in Toronto. and u said that " What makes 45 Bay St and Toronto's Oxford proposal anymore important than Hudson Yards, or any other development these two companies are developing? so let me tell u that if they show there interest in these projects they can make these projects more important than Hudson yards or other projects.

You don't make any sense. How do you know they're not paying attention to their Toronto projects? The fact that shovels aren't in the ground doesn't mean that work isn't going on behind the scenes. Why should they make their Toronto projects their first priority? Just because you want them to focus more on our projects, above all, that doesn't mean that they should. What makes Toronto so exceptional that you should get what you want, when you want it? You sound like a spoiled child that has never heard the word, 'no'. Have some patience.
True 45 Bay is not comparable but the shelved Oxford Place is. The original proposal called for over 7.3 million square feet of office, residential, retail, hotel and convention space. So although just slightly over half the size of Hudson Yards, that development was very audacious for Toronto and a scale not often seen in Canada. One can only hope that market conditions will allow both of these promising proposals to proceed in the future.
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