Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

Just received my spring CASA newsletter in today's mail.

I've decided to take a picture with macro of the relevant page. The rest of the newsletter is just about stores they recommend for furniture along with discount info as CASA purchasers.

In some posts a week ago or so I mentioned that there are completed "demo" units and now it's confirmed that was true. Hard to see but they included some small pictures of a finished corner unit on the 6th floor.

At the time of print the newsletter states that they are at the 39th floor, so we know all the info here is about a month old. That means that drywall must be up to the 20th floor now and entire units up to the 11th or 12th floor. Really amazing progress. I'm quite confident now that the entire building up to the 41st floor will be complete 28 weeks from now or approx. 6 months from now. This would meet the target they've given of January move ins for the upper floors. I'm confident they will deliver.

Another important note I would like to add. I don't know how well you will be able to see the images from the picture I've uploaded (they're hard to see on the newsletter itself...I'm hoping Cresford will post the originals on the website) but this unit happens to have the exact same finishes that I selected for my unit. The reason I bring this up is that I went with all standard finishes and if my unit looks the way it appears in the pictures here I will be very pleased.


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I just noticed the newsletter says "46-storey". So I guess it's confirmed, my prediction of seeing the "hat" on June 1st may actually happen.
Sorry for the multiple posts...took zoomed in pictures of what Cresford provided of the living space flooring and column, the kitchen, and the bath. Another thing to note...the kitchen ends at the sink. That's right...tiny kitchens, the counter space you see there is all there is. I knew this before but if you didn't know now you know :)


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yup ... limited kitchen counter space indeed ... but it appears thats the norm nowadays, even my unit @ Solaris (in Scarborough :eek:) has similar layout / limited amount of counter space
Thanks for the pics dventura. In the model suite, the stove/oven was mini-sized so that's probably why some of the counter space disappeared. (And the built-in fridge was also rather thin compared to a standard fridge).

For comparison with the model suite:

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Not sure if the exact finishes pictured are still available, but I do recall it would have cost something like $20,000 extra in upgrades for this kitchen.

that would sound about right ... in that photo upgrades I see include:
  • quartz counters
  • back painted glass backsplash
  • cooktop
  • wall oven style unit
  • sub-zero refridgerator with cabinetry finish
  • dishwasher with cabinetry finish
  • high gloss cabinetry finish
  • frosted glass inserts in upper cabinetry (?)
IIRC the model suite's kitchen used european slim-line appliances, (ie. 24-inch stove/oven and refridgerator), and i think the high gloss + glass cabinets are supposed to be from Scavolini.

With the tiny kitchens that are becoming the norm, they should be providing slim appliances as standard to make up for the complete lack of storage.

And forget the full-size 24" or even 18" dishwasher ... I would love to see the 24" Fisher and Paykal single-drawer unit in the lower half of the sink saving more space for available storage.
In these small units, who needs a full size d/w anyways when 1 person (or 2 max) typically lives there.
wow... I know everyone always says granite, granite, granite. But something about those quartz countertops that just screams elegance.

It sure does.
That is one beautiful kitchen. I much prefer a good sized "functional" kitchen with full sized appliances and ample counter-tops but I cook and entertain a fair amount.
