Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

Does anyone have any idea how thay will build this pool?

You can see from this picture taken a few months back that they have already poured the hole for the pool on top of the fifth floor podium:

What's all this talk about 47 storeys? I thought Casa was 46 storeys. Am I mistaken?

It was published in "Daily Commercial News" as 47 storeys. A worker on site also told me 47 storeys.

As I understand it, the last button on the elevators will say 46. But on top of the 46th floor will be another floor that is for rooftop balconies for those living on that final penthouse level. Higher up from there will be Casa's "hat". (This is not 100% fact but it seems logical to me from what I've been told.)

Also, I'm not sure if there will be an actual 13th floor here or if any other "unlucky" floor number will vanish.

So, for counting purposes, I'm referring to each new floor as a level without skipping any numbers. Theoretically, we could see them pour the 44th level and find out that's it.



^As far as this sorry sight goes, I have paid closer attention to the folks in the park lately and it does seem to be the same 4 or 5 guys sleeping there or loitering.

Thanks casa-guy. That's a great photo. You really have a skill in figuring things out from an early stage. Not sure if I would have really noticed the pool if it wasn't pointed out to me.
Thanks again
It was published in "Daily Commercial News" as 47 storeys. A worker on site also told me 47 storeys.

As I understand it, the last button on the elevators will say 46. But on top of the 46th floor will be another floor that is for rooftop balconies for those living on that final penthouse level. Higher up from there will be Casa's "hat". (This is not 100% fact but it seems logical to me from what I've been told.)

Also, I'm not sure if there will be an actual 13th floor here or if any other "unlucky" floor number will vanish.

So, for counting purposes, I'm referring to each new floor as a level without skipping any numbers. Theoretically, we could see them pour the 44th level and find out that's it.


^As far as this sorry sight goes, I have paid closer attention to the folks in the park lately and it does seem to be the same 4 or 5 guys sleeping there or loitering.

That all makes sense. Have the PH units been sold yet? I'd love to see the layouts (floorplan porn!).

I'm pretty sure that I recognize those dudes in the photo, they're no trouble. I'm through these parks nearly every day and often at night, never had a problem. I have noticed this summer that there are some sketchy kids that hang out at the south end of the park at Dundonald Street where several street lights and park lights are burned out. They seem to keep to themselves but they're probably up to no good there in the dark. Other than that, these parks are very pleasant to walk through and pretty much trouble-free.
Casa is really starting to move now. I imagine it won't be too much longer until the glass starts arriving :)
A couple shots of the Sienna units, courtesy our friends at 45 Charles.]

(688 sq ft interior, 215 sq ft exterior)

Shouldn't the Siena have room for a racetrack in the centre of it?


A couple shots of the Sienna units, courtesy our friends at 45 Charles.]

(688 sq ft interior, 215 sq ft exterior)


I looked at the floor plan and then your photo. Hard to believe they will get a bedroom and 2 washrooms in what appears to be a small space. I guess they always look smaller unfinished and unfurnished. Nice photos thanks
It's actually just one washroom in this one. (You might be confusing the tub as a separate washroom).

And yes, this angle is a bit deceiving in terms of how long it is.
CASAGUY, in the 'Siena' pics, I notice TWO balconies with that ultra-bright white painted. Last week, I was told by an onsite worker that Casa management thought it was too bright, but if so, why are they testing it on a second balcony?
Have the PH units been sold yet? I'd love to see the layouts (floorplan porn!).

I haven't heard anything lately about the top floors and keep forgetting to ask whenever I pop into the sales office. I'm very curious myself!

Last week, I was told by an onsite worker that Casa management thought it was too bright, but if so, why are they testing it on a second balcony?

To torment me.
Motoring right along...

Work has begun on the flooring of the 19th level.

Also, they've still only test-painted the one portion of balcony underside. In those pics above it's only the outer edge that they've painted on the level beneath. Nonetheless, bright white is so very, very not the way to go.

Is this going to be 47 stories on top of a 5 story podium?

If so it is going to have quite a presence.

Is it going to be as tall as the Film Festival tower?
