From that…
[16] Having heard the undisputed evidence, the Tribunal orders that the appeal by Bloor Dufferin Development Limited Partnership of its proposed Official Plan Amendment is allowed, in part, and the Official Plan Amendment in the form included in Attachment 1 to this Decision is hereby approved and shall come into force immediately upon the issuance of this Decision and Order (Exhibit 7).
[17] The Tribunal allows the appeals of the Zoning By-law Amendments, in part and approves, in principle, the revised proposal for the lands municipally known as 1141 Bloor Street West, 980 Dufferin Street and 90 Croatia Street, as illustrated in Exhibit 6, the Architectural Plans. Further, the Tribunal’s Order on the Zoning By-law Amendment is withheld pending the following conditions being satisfactorily completed, all of which are set out in Exhibit 11, being Attachment 2 to this Decision and Order.
[18] The Decision of the Tribunal is to allow the appeal and approve, in principle, the Draft Plan of Subdivision, as illustrated in Exhibit 10 and that the Tribunal’s Order is withheld pending the following conditions being satisfactorily completed:
a. the owner has satisfactorily completed the conditions set out in Exhibit 11;
b. the owner will have filed a complete resubmission to the City, including updated plans, drawings, reports and studies in support of the same, which reflect the revised Zoning By-law Amendment proposal, for circulation and comment by all applicable divisions, agencies and boards, both internal and external to the City and such plans, drawings, reports and studies be in a content and form satisfactory and acceptable to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services; and
c. following the circulation of the draft plan of subdivision, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services and the City Solicitor, have submitted the proposed draft plan of subdivision and the draft plan of subdivision conditions in acceptable form for approval by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.
[19] That the Tribunal receive a status update from the parties six (6) months from the date of this Decision on satisfying the conditions for the Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision.
So, what's Exhibit 11?