Toronto Bisha Hotel and Residences | 146.91m | 44s | Lifetime | Wallman Architects

Allow me. What a piece of garbage. it's impossible to really see how this is going to look. Something tells me this is going to turn out exactly like Crystal Blu condos. Cheapen out on the exterior glazing and end up with something tall and nasty and please don't throw that cheesy logo on the top.

I was having similar thoughts. I`m not that big a fan.
Marketing of this one

Does anyone else find the marketing of this project as lame as I do? I know a lot of marketing of condos is cheese but this one seems to take it to a new level. Undeniably cool, unabashedly free spirited? Seems like it is trying way too hard and as a result is hemorrhaging adjectives. Yuck.
cheesy logo? I think that it would instantly be the coolest logo on the top of a tower anywhere in this city. It's so hip and cool in an LA sort of way...
Does anyone else find the marketing of this project as lame as I do? I know a lot of marketing of condos is cheese but this one seems to take it to a new level. Undeniably cool, unabashedly free spirited? Seems like it is trying way too hard and as a result is hemorrhaging adjectives. Yuck.

As a rule, lifestyle markting is unswerving lame. I've left many sales centres with an armful of marketing materials and, with very few exceptions, I've been thoroughly naueated by their attempts to be hip/cool.
In Globe Review section of today's (Monda) The Globe and Mail there is an ad by someone looking for purchasers during the VIP sale.

Imagine. Real estate agents looking for purchasers.

Sign of times, I guess.
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That is a sign of all times (it's something realtors have always done -- there are free magazines on street corners and entire newspaper sections devoted to this).
I've known Charles for over a decade now and I'm very happy for his newest venture...

Now all I have to do is talk him into having me run the crane on his new building...
Okay, you've seen this:


Time to get closer:


And go inside:


Are you visiting? Let's get you a room:


Or do you live here? This way please:


Back in your designer suite:


Time to relax up top:


Or hang out in the lounge:


Or maybe have a drink at the bar:


Okay, enough fooling around: let's get into the floor plans. Have fun exploring:






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Wow, why so many meeting rooms? And a hair salon? Very interesting. I wonder if the roof and amenities on the 40th and 41st floors will be available for hotel guests too?
very sexy, very shiney.
I am actually liking this building inside and out more and more.
The exterior looks so much better up close, but it just doesn't quite work from a distance.
Wow, why so many meeting rooms? And a hair salon? Very interesting. I wonder if the roof and amenities on the 40th and 41st floors will be available for hotel guests too?

Because it's a hotel and needs to provide amenities to entice the professional crowd. Every major hotel in toronto has a "conference" centre. These will also most likely be open to the public for use (for a fee of course) when I was headhunted for a job, the interview took place at a hotel meeting room so no one would see me with "the enemy" and my current job would not be jeopardized. Hotels have been going through this trend of providing everything, in terms of amenities these days. They want patrons to linger and feel the hotel is more than a hotel, but a club, an office, a spa, a lounge etc...
Agreed. Very swank! ALthough that corner is going to get awfully crowded once M5V is finished and a supposed 40 storey at the corner of the
M5V sales office.
Next door the Soho is still one of Toronto's finest hotels. The Bisha Hotel will need not only luxurious style and comfort but exceptional service for it to survive, Both the Soho and nearby Germain are known for their exceptional service. The Thompson hotel going by majority of reviews hired staff based on looks and not their experience in a high end service oriented hotels
Ostentatious! Gaudy! S&M inspired! Love it! But wouldn't buy into it. And as for the SOHO, I find it to be kinda rundown. Le Germain definitely has a lock on the boutique aspect in this city imho.
