Toronto Berczy Park Revitalization | ?m | ?s

I saw that. I assumed the movie or commercial they were shooting was French, as the signs on the tree lot said Sapin de Noel.
Tender call is finally out - work is supposed to start immediately after Para-Pan-Am Games:

Tender Call number: 13-2015
Commodity: Construction Services, Landscape Construction
Description: Berczy Park, Landscape Construction / Renovation.
BIDS ARE REQUESTED FOR: All Material, Equipment, Labour And Supervision Required To Complete Renovations To Berczy Park And Adjacent Streetscape

Questions About This Tender Should Be Directed In Writing To Mike Voelker, CSCMP. At E-Mail Mvoelke@Toronto.Ca. For More Information, Please Refer To Section 2.3 Deadline For Questions. The Last Day For Questions With Respect To This Tender Is Four (4) Working Days Prior To Closing.

This Tender Is Open To Bidders Pre-Qualified Under RTP No. 3718-14-5020:

*Aldershot Landscape Contractors LP

*Somerville Construction, Division Of 671860 Ontario Inc

*UCC Group Inc.

Issue date: March 2, 2015 Closing date: March 31, 2015
at 12:00 Noon
Really looking forward to this, between it and the North Market the area will be getting a significant boost.


Preliminary discussions have also started on upgrades to St James Park (to be done in 2016) and once the new North Market is finished there are plans to 'deal with' Market Lane Park and, of course, the 'extension' of David Crombie Park where the temporary North Market is going.
What's the anticipated completion date?
If you are asking about Berczy the work will start ASAP after PAG and most will be completed by winter. I would assume that plantings may not happen until spring 2016.
The work to be done in St James is not yet determined - though it will include the return of the children's play area - but is going to be far less extensive than at Berczy (which is really being totally rebuilt). There will be public discussions later in 2015 and it is hoped work in St James will start in spring 2016. Though this will not be implementing all of the 2012 ideas from the 8-80 Cities Report, some POSSIBLE ideas are at: james park report.pdf
Thanks for the update DSC - is there an update on the district lighting plan?


The Heritage Lighting Master Plan for St Lawrence is still being implemented as opportunities arise. See:
As usual, Toronto Hydro are not being helpful and now do not see that implementing it is anything to do with them! Last fall the street lighting on Lower Sherbourne was improved and heritage lights with buried wiring was installed. There continues to be hope that St James Cathedral will finally be properly lit - possibly as the St James Park work proceeds.
The Heritage Lighting Master Plan for St Lawrence is still being implemented as opportunities arise. See:
As usual, Toronto Hydro are not being helpful and now do not see that implementing it is anything to do with them! Last fall the street lighting on Lower Sherbourne was improved and heritage lights with buried wiring was installed. There continues to be hope that St James Cathedral will finally be properly lit - possibly as the St James Park work proceeds.

Whenever the city tries to bury overhead wires, Toronto Hydro seems to sabotage the effort by failing to properly scope and coordinate work, leading to long completion delays. After the fact, TH sometimes then reintroduces the odd overhead wire in areas where they were previously buried. It's obvious from the shabby, cluttered overhead mess of wires on frontier-town wooden or rusting metal poles along most of our streets that TH doesn't care how ugly our public realm is. Given that this is in TH's DNA, I wonder if it makes sense for the City to transfer ownership and maintenance responsibility for upgraded underground electrical networks in rehabilitated areas like St. Lawrence to a new agency tasked with working well with other utilities and contractors, and specifically integrating good design into its goals and objectives.
I'm told the Dean has announced his retirement (again) so maybe his replacement will be able to shake down some donors to pay to light the cathedral.
Have you not seen these wonderful heritage lights sitting with cracked bases lying across the sidewalk whenever a car bumper touches them. A dozen missing along Front Street. They have no replacements. Bases covering bolts at street level missing. It's a disgrace. Bolts are so terribly undersized. What were they thinking? Typical of anything in Pam's ward. Like those awful tree wells along the Esplanade west of Church that have become garbage receptacles. Complained to her office. Silence.
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Have you not seen these wonderful heritage lights sitting with cracked bases lying across the sidewalk whenever a car bumper touches them. A dozen missing along Front. They have no replacements. Bases covering bolts at street level missing. It's a disgrace. Bolts are so terribly undersized. What were they thinking. Typical of anything in Pam ' ward. Like those awful tree wells along the esplanade west of church that have become garbage receptacles. Complained to her office. Silence.

You seem to be in the wrong thread, but .... The lights are a Hydro problem and the City is in a fight with them over the design/installation and maintenance. The planters on The Esplanade and others in the area will, apparently, be maintained by the BIA and the SLNA in 2015.
