Toronto Berczy Park Revitalization | ?m | ?s

I know nothing about planting trees, can someone explain why they appear to be in concrete boxes? Also, is it not possible to plant trees that are more mature? These ones look like they'll take a few decades to fill in.
I know nothing about planting trees, can someone explain why they appear to be in concrete boxes? Also, is it not possible to plant trees that are more mature? These ones look like they'll take a few decades to fill in.
The trees are going to be surrounded with paving and the roots are in a huge silva cell 'network' - they will do very well. The trees should do well and hopefully like those at Sugar Beach which are also planted in lots of earth & silva cells and have grown amazingly. One can certainly plant larger trees but not only are they more expensive the transplanting is more risky the larger they are - the ones they are putting in look fine to me.
The trees are going to be surrounded with paving and the roots are in a huge silva cell 'network' - they will do very well. The trees should do well and hopefully like those at Sugar Beach which are also planted in lots of earth & silva cells and have grown amazingly. One can certainly plant larger trees but not only are they more expensive the transplanting is more risky the larger they are - the ones they are putting in look fine to me.


Though, I do have reservations about the relatively small opening, I don't recall if irrigation is part of this design, but in its absence I'd like to see more open access to rain fall.
Update from today....silva cells will do wonders to help these new trees. Note black silva cells in foreground and sea of unpacked silva cells in boxes to the rear (in first photo).



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I'm encouraged by the widespread use of Silva Cells around the city. It looks to have been adopted as official policy whenever rebuilding paving where trees will be planted. I'd love to see our main streets with large tree canopies.
I'm encouraged by the widespread use of Silva Cells around the city. It looks to have been adopted as official policy whenever rebuilding paving where trees will be planted. I'd love to see our main streets with large tree canopies.
Yes, but the problem is that our streets are layered with underground pipes, wires and 'stuff' so you can't actually put silva cells there. The City are getting better at making larger pits and installing tree trenches and permeable surfaces so water gets in where they can but ....(examples in my area are The Esplanade north side from Market to Scott, Lower Sherbourne and Front from George to Frederick.)
He could have seen Mike Ricci. They're basically twins.
I had to google both those people to figure out who you were all talking about.
The trees looks good, it's nice that they got fairly decent sized ones. Excited. Can't wait to see this crazy dog fountain.
I'm encouraged by the widespread use of Silva Cells around the city. It looks to have been adopted as official policy whenever rebuilding paving where trees will be planted. I'd love to see our main streets with large tree canopies.
Me too, though eventually they'd cause problems for the mess of hydro wires most of our streets have. With those gone and nice big trees up, our city would look a lot snazzier.
Me too, though eventually they'd cause problems for the mess of hydro wires most of our streets have. With those gone and nice big trees up, our city would look a lot snazzier.
If hydro wire are overhead they can interfere with trees growing tall, if hydro conduits - and other stuff - is underground they can prevent planting in silva ]cells and trees will not do as well.
From Sunday evening, so at essentially the same stage as to what @skycandy got above, but a couple of different angles:




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